Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thursday July 21, 2011

Hello fellow Toastmasters and Guests

Toastmasters present: John Harmon (SAA elect), Naomi Lewis, Wade Miner, Lauren White, Stan Dalziel (Treasurer elect), Nancy Hogg (VPE), Allen Foretich, Jean Smith, Magda Burgos, Rick Boyer, Christy Gardner (President elect).  Absent: Stacey Wallace, Tim Tonkovic, Victor Lopez, Robyn Roberts, Curtis Lassister.

Guests:  First timers; Laurie Lewis and Nikki Paquette, returning for a second visit Mike Johnson.
Newly elected President Christy Gardner stood behind the lectern as her new post and delivered a warm welcome to members and guest alike and then turned lectern over to the Toastmaster of the Day (TOD), Danita Fox.  John Harmon was the General Evaluator (GE) and he introduced his evaluation team; members who would have the distinction of providing the feedback that allows for growth and improvement.

Speakers:  Allen Foretich gave his ice breaker, first speech of 10 for the Competent Communicator.  As always, we enjoy ice breaker speeches because we get to know our newest members.  Jean Smith, delivered her 3rd of 10 speeches towards her CC and she packed a lot of information about improving self-improving team.  Magda Brugos spoke about time management, completing a project requirement towards her Competent Leadership manual.

Rick Boyer was the Table Topics Masters and he challenged the club with a different format that was designed to get us out of our comfort zone as well as teach us how to be more animated.

The meeting was full of emotions and behaviors that we all felt and did with the common purpose of improving as public speakers and striving towards competent communicators.  I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Danita Fox, Club Secretary
Best Table Topics: Naomi Lewis
Best Evaluator: Lauren White
Best Speaker: Allen Foretich


Thursday July 7, 2011

Greetings Toastmasters of the Oyster Point Speakers Club, and Guests
A new year has begun…July 1, 2011—June 30, 2012; and with it a different editor of this our club newsletter.  The format may change, but my goal is the same, to re-cap our club meetings by showcasing speakers as well as providing information about Toastmasters.
Toastmasters present (not all inclusive): Nancy Hogg (VPE elect), Victor Lopez (VPPR elect), Rick Boyer, Wade Miner, Linda Williams, Lauren White, Frank Connelly, Magda Brugos, Robyn Roberts, Curtis Lassiter, Allen Foretich, Danita Fox (Secretary elect).  Absent: Christy Gardner, Tim Tonkovic, Stacey Wallace, Stan Dalziel, John Harmon.

Speakers:  Lauren White gave her second of 10 speeches towards her Competent Communicator, and she captivated the audience with a speech topic that she may use at work to encourage employee involvement.  Next was veteran John Harmon, DTM, as he once again plots his course through another Competent Communicator manual.  Last was Danita Fox as she delivered her first speech of ten towards her Advance Communicator Silver.
Frank Connelly was the Table Topics Masters of the evening and he challenged all participants to think quick on the spot to share thoughts about summer’s heat.

We had two guests; Brett McGee and Mike Johnson….thank you for coming gentlemen.

Respectfully submitted,Danita Fox, Club Secretary
Best Table Topics: Rick Boyer
Best Evaluator: Frank Connelly
Best Speaker: Danita Fox