Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hello Toastmasters Family,

Theme of the night: Dreams.  Danita Fox gave her own 'I have a Dream' speech for the club president's opening remarks.  Danita conducted the induction of the newest club members: Matt Phillips, Magda Brugos, Lamar Thomas, and Phillip Pedersen.  Welcome to the Oyster Point Speakers Toastmasters Club!  There were 19 members in attendance and one guest, Jeanette Richardson.

Zach Miller was Toastmaster of the Evening.  His first experience as Toastmaster!  Great job, Zach.

Speaker #1, Christy Gardner shared her environmental engineer background by talking about body pollution from harmful chemicals.  There are LOTS of harmful chemicals in the environment and in products that we inhale, apply and ingest.  Joanne Fletcher has a dream to run.  Literally.  At the end of March, Joanne will run a 5k.  She gave some pointers and benefits of running.  Number one most important item is a good pair of running shoes.  Stacey Wallace as Speaker #3 talked about Second Chances.  Stacey is advocating on behalf of the "Good Time" Bill before Congress.  This Bill will re-instate parole for non-violent federal inmates for good behavior.  A very enlightening speech.  Information on this issue:   Contact your legislator to support this bill.  Rob Jones, from a Richmond area club, rounded out the speakers lineup.  Rob gave a persuade and inspire motivational speech.  We all have our dreams.  Write down goals and commit (at least) 15 minutes each day to your goal(s).  Create a visual aid to chart your progress.

John Harman was the Table Topics Master.  John had a list of quotes for the table topic 'victims' to choose from and then explain from their perspective.  Magda Brugos:  when patterns are broken new worlds emerge.  The importance of habits cannot be stressed.  One must improve their habits.  Matt Phillips:  what gets measured gets improved.  In his job, measurements help improve the company and they show trends.  Tim Tonkovic:  progress involves risk.  You can not get to 2nd base if you can not get your foot off 1st base.  Fear keeps that foot on first.  Rob Jones:  you get the best efforts from others not by igniting the fire under someone; but, by lighting that fire within.  Bonnie Parker:  It gets easier when you're going forward.  Continue to press on and grow.

Danita Fox was General Evaluator.  Tom Delbridge was evaluator for Speaker #1, Christy Gardner.  Stan Dalziel was evaluator for Speaker #2, Joanne Fletcher.  Tim Tonkovic was evaluator for Speaker #3, Stacey Wallace.  Wade Miner was evaluator for Speaker #4.

Best Ribbons were given out:  Best Table Topics:  Tim Tonkovic; Best Evaluator:  Tim Tonkovic; Best Speech:  Rob Jones.  Way to go Tim!

Jessica gave updates on what's coming up.  A new position has been created in this club's lineup - Humorist.  Starts next meeting.  We are combining the Grammarian and Word of the Day to make room in the agenda.

February 4 - Success Check
March 4 - Contest Night
April 1 - Grab Bag Night!  All roles are drawn from a bag.  Two speaker slots are scheduled with two more available.

to sign up for upcoming roles:

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello Toastmasters Family,

Happy New Year!!  Happy New You! - theme for the night!  We were emboldened (word of the day: embolden) to use the theme in reference to New Years' resolutions!  The beginning of the year is the perfect time to set new goals.

Four speakers.  Matt Phillips gave his 'Icebreaker'.  Matt grew up in a small town in West Virginia.  He joined the fire department at 18 and has been interested in public safety ever since.  He now has a masters in safety management.  His job at Virginia Power brought him to Yorktown.  Great start Matt!!  Wade Miner's speech focussed on the success journey.  Work on your autopilot, get it tweaked or reprogrammed.  You have the power to make changes.  Rick Boyer presented the perfect product to reset your Circadian Rhythm (Biological Clock) if you are a swing shift worker, coast to coast or international traveler or an insomniac!  In his Specialty Speech, Rick expounded the attributes of the 'Phillips Go Light' light therapy device.  I was ready to get one!  Danita  Fox gave her sixth of ten speeches on her way to the bronze Toastmasters' level.  Danita spoke to a 'there is a time for everything' theme.  One needs tenacity and stability.  Find your message and you can find your  voice.  Danita received the Best Speaker ribbon.

Stan Dalziel was the Table Topics Master.  Stan provided a variety of topics to talk about.  Mike Brugos shared  his happy childhood memory; the one winter his father built a snow luge and the great fun he had.  Jessica Ledbetter talked around the topic Stan suggested (something about noses and feet).  Lavorise Love shared her favorite kind of book.  Green is Christy Gardner's favorite color for many reasons which she discussed.  Sandy Peterson talked about the similarities and challenges of maintaining friendships.  Joanne Fletcher discussed overcoming challenges with faith and friends.  Best Table Topics ribbon went to Joanne Fletcher.

Adam Queen presided as General Evaluator for the Evening.  Zach Miller evaluated Speaker #1, Matt Phillips.  Tom Delbridge evaluated Speaker #2, Wade Miner, Joanne Fletcher evaluated Speaker #3, Rick Boyer, and Christy Gardner evaluated Speaker #4, Danita Fox.  Tom Delbridge received the Best Evaluator ribbon.

We had 21 in attendance including guest Tiffany Byrd.

Happy New Year!
Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary