Monday, May 9, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Club President (C) and Guests
Hello Toastmasters and Guests, 

          Happy Cinco de Mayo! As always, it was great to see everyone! Stanley Dalziel was Toastmaster of the Evening. Nancy Hogg was General Evaluator. Wade Miner was Table Topics Master. We were pleased to host 3 first-time visitors: Al, Jermaine and John. Al and Jermaine serve in the Air Force. John is a William and Mary student and Tribe football player. We had 16 members in attendance and 4 speakers.
          Speaker # 1 was Janet Krenn, evaluated by Rick Boyer. Janet presented a "Persuade with Power" project from Competent Communicator manual. Janet is our Club Treasurer and in her speech she proposed to purchase a much-needed screen projector. As of today, the club does not own any AV equipment. Such a purchase would help members address their need for using powerpoint in their presentations. At the end of her speech, Janet asked club members to vote on this matter. The majority of the club was in favor of the new purchase.
          Speaker # 2 was Christy Gardner, evaluated by Magda Brugos. With new officer elections on the horizon, Christy used this opportunity to speak about responsibilities of each Toastmaster officer role. She also talked about the benefits of being a club officer. She wrapped up her presentation with a question and answer session.
          Speaker # 3 was John Harman, evaluated by Juan Martinez. John presented project # 7 from CC manual. He spoke about the Lewis and Clark expedition. He used visual aids and had done a great deal of research while preparing for his speech.
          Speaker # 4 was Magda Brugos, evaluated by Curtis Lassiter. She presented project # 9 from CC manual. Magda's objective was to "persuade with power". She spoke about protecting and investing in our most precious asset - our own body. She spoke about the importance of drinking plenty of water, proper nutrition and supplementation, diet and exercise.
          Wade Miner as Table Topics Master picked "volunteers" to participate in this extemporaneous speech exercise. The participants were Stan Dalziel, Victor Lopez, Lanette  Kelly, guest Al, and Danita Fox.Victor answered a topic "What is Cinco de Mayo all about?". Lanette spoke about her dream beach vacation on the coast of Jamaica. Al, a "first-timer",  talked about the vision for his life 5 years from now. Danita recalled highlights of the Toastmasters International district conference that had taken place just the previous weekend.
          The meeting was wrapped up with  Lanette Kelly being inducted as a new member of the Oyster Point Speakers club. Welcome, Lanette!

Ribbons Award Winners:

Curtis Lassiter  - Best Evaluator
Stan Dalziel - Best Table Topics
Janet Krenn -  Best Speaker
View photos from this meeting here:  May 5, 2011 Photos

Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hello Toastmasters Family, 
          Another great evening in the books. With 13 members present, we had a quiet but productive meeting. 
Juan Martinez was a first-timer in his role as Toastmaster of the Evening. Curtis Lassiter was General Evaluator. Danita Fox was Table Topics Master. 
          Speaker # 1 was Robyn Roberts. Her speech was evaluated by Victor Lopez. Robyn is a Master Gardener and she gave a wonderful speech in which she shared  tips on successful gardening and setting up an herb garden. According to Robyn, there are 4 main ingredients to a happy herb garden: sun, soil, mulch, and water. Here are some tidbits from her speech: always pick a sunny location as herbs need lots of sun; use good, organic soil to help plants grow themselves; buy good quality herbs; use mulch to prohibit weeds and to encourage earthworms; water the soil, not the plants. Plenty of great advice for those who want to grow an herb garden.
         Speaker # 2 was Stan Dalziel, evaluated by Magda Brugos. Stan's speech was titled "Interview for my Dream Job". Stan delivered a presentation in front of a mock job interview panel and convinced all of us why he is the best applicant for the job. His speech was followed by a "question and answer" session. The project came from Competent Leadership manual. Good luck on your real job interview, Stan. You did very well!
          Speaker # 3 was Tim Tonkovic, evaluated by Bonnie Parker. Tim's speech was titled "These boots are made for walking." Using a pair of  baby leather boots which he had found in a New York antique store, Tim spun captivating tales of who the little boots might have belonged in the past. He talked about the lives of Jacob Cohen aka Rodney Dangerfield, a great American comedian, and Anna Mae Bullock, who became world-famous under the stage name of Tina Turner. Tim's gift for telling stories and using humor was evident in his speech.
          Danita Fox as Table Topics master presented us with one topic: "What's bothering you?". It was a rare opportunity for everyone to vent and to gripe! It was certainly fun!

Best Speaker: TIM aka TOM TONKOVIC
Best in Table Topics: VICTOR LOPEZ
Best Evaluator: VICTOR LOPEZ ( yes, Victor did swoop both awards tonight!)

See you next time,
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary