Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stacey Wallace was voted The Best Speaker

Hello Oyster Point Speakers and Guests!

          The Toastmaster year 2010-2011 is slowly coming to an end. This last meeting of the year was hugely successful in many respects. New officer team has been nominated and selected. Club goals have been successfully met. Once again, our club has satisfied the requirements of President's Distinguished Club Program. A round of applause for that!
          Tim Tonkovic was Toastmaster of the Evening. Danita Fox was General Evaluator. Danita reminded us that evaluations are to be focused on the delivery, not the content of a speech. John Harman was Table Topics Master.
         We had 16 members in attendance and 2 guests, Soheila and Frank. The speakers of the evening were Magda Brugos, Stacey Wallace, and Christy Gardner. Both Magda Brugos and Stacey Wallace completed their Competent Communication manual and achieved the title of Competent Communicator. Congratulations! Work well done!
         Evaluators were Nancy Hogg (evaluating Magda's speech), Curtis Lassiter (Stacey's speech), and Victor Lopez ( Christy's speech). 
          We concluded the meeting with New Member Induction. Nita, Sabrina, Alan and Jermaine are now brand new members of Toastmasters International. Welcome! We hope you enjoy your journey and meet the goals you have set for yourself.
           New officer core to take over club duties on July is as follows:
President - Christy Gardner
VP Membership - Victor Lopez
VP Education - Nancy Hogg
Sargent at Arms - John Harman
Public Relations - Curtis Lassiter
Secretary - Danita Fox
Treasurer - Stan Dalziel

Good Luck to the New Officers!


Best Table Topics: Guest, Soheila
Best Evaluator: Victor Lopez
Best Speaker: Stacey Wallace

Thank you and see you "next year"!
Magda Brugos
Out-going Club Secretary, passing her baton to in-coming Club Secretary Danita Fox!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello Toastmaster Family!

          Another meeting is in the books and the Toastmaster year-end  is approaching soon...June 30.
We had 10 members in attendance and 10 guests, majority of them from the Thomas Nelson Community College. A few of them were familiar faces (Bo and Princess ...). Danita Fox was Toastmaster of the Evening. Victor Lopez was General Evaluator. Stacey Wallace was Table Topics Master. 
          Huge announcement and joy - Oyster Point Speakers is now in possession of a brand new projector system! Thank you, Janet Krenn for researching the product. Janet also presented a speech about how to use this projector system to our advantage and avoid using it as a crutch in public speaking. As always, her speech was witty and informative. Janet was evaluated by Wade Miner. 
        Second and last speaker of the evening was Magda Brugos. Magda presented a speech titled "The Sounds of Summer" in which she talked about the various critters who can be heard in the spring and summer time. Magda was evaluated by John Harman.
         Stacey Wallace as Table Topics Master used a well-known "Dear Abby..." column and transformed it into a "Dear Toastmaster..."  advice session. The participants were asked to answer a series of "Dear Toastmaster.." questions. Participants included both members and visitors. Job well done!


Janet Krenn - BEST SPEAKER

See you next time!
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hello Toastmaster Family!
Stacey Wallace was voted Best Speaker.Here with Club President Stan Dalziel.

          At this meeting we had 11 members in attendance and 3 visitors. Curtis Lassiter was Toastmaster of the Evening. Christy Gardner was Table Topics Master. Robyn Roberts was General Evaluator. We heard four prepared speeches. 
          Speaker # 1 was Stacey Wallace, evaluated by Victor Lopez. Her speech described the abuse that takes place in puppy mills. Stacey convinced her audience not to participate in this atrocious business of pet breeding and sales and to be diligent in the process of  acquiring a new dog. Stacey's advice was to never buy pets online or through those pet stores which don't disclose the origins of their animal inventory.
          Speaker # 2 was Sierra Hargraves, evaluated  by Stan Dalziel. Sierra is Toastmaster Naomi Lewis' daughter and a high school senior. She took advantage of an opportunity to practice her senior year speech in our club. Sierra spoke about "the freshman 15" and how to avoid it. " The Freshman 15" is used to describe the fifteen pounds freshmen college students are said to pick up in the first few months of college due to unhealthy and unrestricted cafeteria diet.
          Speaker # 3 was Nancy Hogg, evaluated by John Harman. Nancy presented helpful guidelines for the roles of Toastmaster, General Evaluator, and Table Topics Master.
          Speaker # 4 was Magda Brugos, evaluated by Danita Fox. Magda's speech was titled "Paper or Plastic". She spoke about the dangers of using credit cards and benefits of paying with cash.
          Christy Gardner as Table Topics Master chose two groups of volunteers to participate in a debate titled "Are you in favor of offshore drilling?" The debate indeed was heated; the particpants included Victor Lopez, John Harman, Danita Fox, Naomi Lewis, Sierra Hargraves, and Curtis Lassiter.
Votes were cast and the RIBBON WINNERS were:

Stacey Wallace -  BEST SPEAKER
Victor Lopez  - BEST EVALUATOR  
( yes, Victor did take both Ribbons home once again)

We had an extremely successful meeting!

Thanks and see you next time!
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary