Present: Christy Gardner, President; Stan Dalziel, treasurer; Curtis Lassister, VPM; John Harmon, SAA;
Danita Fox, secretary. Members: Tim Tonkovic, Rick Boyer, Janet Krenn, Magda Brugos, Wade Miner, Naomi Lewis, Frank Connelly, Lois Boyle, Lanette Kelly, June Montgomery, Allen Fortich, Stacey Wallace, Jean Smith.
Absent: Nancy Hogg, VPE; Victor Lopez, VPPR; Lauren White, Bonnie Parker
Guests: Area Governor Diane Norbutus, Mark Wallace, Lewi Blosser, Sierra Lewis, Brett McGew
Meeting theme: farewell to Stacey Wallace
The meeting was started by Area Governor Diane Norbutus inducting the 2011-2012 officers and thanking the outgoing officers. Officers inducted were: Christy Gardner-President, Curt Lassister-VPM, Stan Dalziel-Treasurer, John Harmon-SAA and Danita Fox-secretary.
TMOD Magda Brugos, CC, kept the flow of the meeting going and also helped the many guests present to understand what TM is all about. Three members delivered speeches: Linda Williams gave speech #5 of 10 and she spoke on "presentation" ; Danita Fox was the second speaker and she spoke commonality and friendship and she spoke about Stacey's friendship. Frank Connelly was the final speaker and he delivered a speech about the new TM branding which unvails August 17th.
Table Topics Master Curtis Lassister continued the theme about saying farewell to Stacey and ask participants speak for 1-2 minutes about her. Table topics participants were: Rick Boyer, Stan Dalziel, Wade Miner, Christy Gardner, and Magda Brugos. Stacey spoke also sharing her thoughts about the club and her move to Florida with her husband, guest Mark Wallace.
Stacey was the GE (General Evaluator) and she guided her evaluation team through the process of delivering the feedback that causes growth and improvment.
The meeting went a little over time, but for good reason; a visit from our new AG Diane Norbutus and a farewell theme for Stacey Wallace.
Please join us for the next meeting Thursday August 18th, we have three speakers scheduled and as always, it has the makings of a great evening. Please make plans to attend...see you there!
Ribbon winners:
Table Topics-Stacey Wallace
Evaluator-Rick Boyer
Speaker-Danita Fox
Graciously submitted,
Danita Fox, club secretary