Guests: Lester Yearbook
Meeting was called to order by SAA John Harman, and President Christy Gardner welcomed guest Lester Yearbook to the club. Magda Brugos took control of the lectern as Toastmaster of the Evening. She kept the flow of the meeting going through two speeches and six table topics speakers.
President Christy Gardner delivered an informative speech about club meeting involvement, personal goals, club goals and how those three points are interdependant. Lanette Kelly delivered her ice breaker speech where she introduced herself to the club.
After the speeches we were challenged by Table Topics Master June Montgomery to speak 1-2 minutes. Table topics participants: Sabrina Joy-Hogg, Lauren White, Wade Miner, John Foden, Christy Gardner, Nita Langford and guest Lester Yearbook.
General Evaulator Wade Miner introduced his "evaluation team" to complete the meeting by offering feedback for the speakers, timer's report, grammarian and listen-up master. General evaulation for the meeting was "good, but we can do better".
President Christy Gardner wrapped the meeting up with tips for improvement both for individuals and the group as we continue our growth as public speakers and communicators.
Ribbon winners:
Table Topics-Wade Miner
Evaluator-Rick Boyer
Speaker- Lanette Kelly
Graciously submitted,
Danita Fox, club secretary