Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meeting Summary (October 18, 2012)

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, led by SAA Phillip Sweat, Danita Fox, Toastmaster of the evening, shared a recent experience she had. She attended a meeting where the featured presenter was a Toastmaster. Although that Toastmaster was not experienced in the exact topic of the meeting, he was able to relate themes to stories for an effective speech. For Danita, it just showed how Toastmasters really does develop the professional speaking and leadership skills we set out to get with our membership.

Christy Gardner was the first, and only, speaker this evening. During her speech, Christy shed some light on the many roles that our Oyster Point Speakers Toastmasters Club has at each meeting. Going through each role (Ah Counter, Grammarian, Toastmaster, etc.) Christy explained not only what each role does but also the skills we develop by taking on those roles.

With only one speech for the evening, we had an extended Table Topics brought to us by TopicsMaster Phillip Sweat, who had us thinking about fall and Halloween with his seasonally-themed questions.

Rick Boyer evaluated Christy's speech, and following the rest of the evaluation team's reports, Magda Brugos gave her General Evaluator's report.

One thing Magda noted was that she really liked the extended Table Topics, which required everyone who didn't have a major speaking role to become an active participant. Danita Fox announced guests and ribbon winners.

 Following the meeting, President Janet Krenn introduced Area Governor Frank Gillerlain who reminded members that our District Conference is coming up on Friday-Saturday November 2-3 in Richmond. For more information, go to 

Janet then concluded with the following announcements:

  • Mark your calendars! We have special events occurring at Oyster Point Speakers on the following dates: Nov 15, Nov 29, Dec 20, Jan 31. Check the Facebook page for more information: 
  • Assigning Meeting Roles. Oyster Point Speakers is trying a new method for assigning meeting roles. We will be assigning members roles for 3-months in advance. Those assignments will be in a table that we will distribute to all members via the list-serv. It is each member's responsibility to find their replacement if they cannot attend, and the changes will be made by each individual to the online agenda on our website: 
  • Role cards available in the Oyster Point Speakers Box. To help new members understand their meeting roles, we have printed table tents that names the role and responsibilities. Each member with a role during our meetings should take their role card out and display it on the table in front of them at each meeting. 
  • Get a receipt. Any time a member pays dues or a new member joins Oyster Point Speakers, make sure you get a receipt, regardless of whether or not you want one. This is our best way for keeping club records, and important to help us stay organized.

 Ribbon winners: 
Best Speaker: Christy Gardner 
Best Evaluator: Rick Boyer 
Best Table Topics--a tie!: Zach Fauver & Katherine Crawley 

 Guests in attendance: 
 Ruth Giles, Lindsey Santa Maria, Vonda Combs, Frank Gillerlian (Area Governor). 

 Members in attendance:
 Magda Brugos, Phillip Sweat, Danita Fox, Rick Boyer, Christy Gardner, Arnelia Hancock, Sumit Arora, Zach Fauver, Wade Miner, Katherine Crawley, Steve Franco.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


October 6, 2012

October 6, 2012

Members present: Regina Gilliam, Rick Boyer, Christy Gardner, Zach Fauver, Lauren White, Phillip Sweat, Magda Brugos, Jean Smith, Janet Krenn, Arnelia Hancock, Charlene Salter-Gilbert 

Guests: Lily Carson, Steve Franco, Sumit Aecou, Asheuosh Leiyes

Meeting was called to order by Phillip Sweat SAA; after the pledge, Janet Krenn the president came to the lectern to welcome members and guests. Afterwards, the lectern was turned over to Toastmaster of the Evening, Magda Brugos. The Toastmaster of the Evening introduced the General Evaluator Lauren White to the lectern so that she could introduce the evaluation team and have each member fulfilling that role explain what they will be doing during the meeting. Upon completion of the role explanations, Magda then introduced the speakers for the evening.

Regina Gilliam was the first speaker. Followed by Regina was Zach Fauver.

Barbara Basabilbaso was the Table Topics Master for the evening. Topic of the evening:  “Telling a tale” providing each speaker with the beginning or ending of a tale and the speaker was to “fill in the gap” All participants did a phenomenal job!

General Evaluator Lauren White led the evaluation team to give speech evaluations and reports. The meeting was brought to a close after brief announcements and ribbon awards. Next meeting is October 18th.

Ribbon Winners:

Best Table Topics: Jean Smith

Best Evaluator: Janet Krenn

Best Speaker: Regina Gilliam