January 20, 2013
The January 17th meeting was called to order by SAA Phillip Sweat.
Toastmaster of the Day; Lauren White shared with guests the "mission" of Toastmasters and introduced Wade Minor DTM, General Evaluator of the meeting.
Wade introduced his evaluation team and they explained their roles for the meeting and Wade then returned control of the meeting back to Lauren White.
The evenings speeches were very educational, enlightening and inspiring!
The Speakers for the evening: Rick Boyer - "Salary Negotiations", Arnelia Hancock - "Confronting Adversity", Danita Fox - "Event Management" and Sumit Arora - "However fast you drive you still have to stop at the red light".
Ribbon Winners
Best Speaker: Sumit Arora
Best Evaluator: Janet Krenn
Table Topics: Barbara Basabilbaso
After the ribbons were handed out Lauren invited guests to introduce themselves and share what prompted them to visit Oyster Point Toastmasters, then turned the floor over to the Oyster Point club President; Janet Krenn.
Janet shared announcements and made closing comments.
• Oyster Point Speakers is moving! Club members will be voting on which of two locations we will move to beginning in February. Stay tuned for more information.
• Possible dues increase for new members! Club members will also be voting on instituting a one-time new member fee to cover the costs of new members for the club. If approved, this will not take place until March. If you've been thinking of joining Oyster Point Speakers or you have a friend who's talked about it before, new members that join in February will not be subject to this one-time fee.
• Networking Workshop January 31st. Join us for our next 5th Thursday special event, a networking workshop. We'll be writing and practicing elevator pitches, learning to organize our network, and getting tips for using Facebook for networking success. The event is free to members, guests, visitors, and everyone in between. Meet at Angelo's at 6:45p.
• Advanced Training for Members on February 9th. If you missed January's Winter Leadership Institute, consider attending the second (and final) installment on Saturday February 9 at the ODU Peninsula Workforce Development Center on 600 Butler Farm Road in Hampton.