Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hello Toastmasters Family,

Theme for the evening: Thanksgiving.  This topic goes
along with the season and showed up in various speeches.

There were 23 in attendance with 5 guests:  (l to r)  Michael Brugos, Phil Pedersen, James Tatum, Randy Gibbs, and Matt Phillips.  Lamar Thomas was a second time visitor.

Toastmasters clubs provide a friendly atmosphere in which to learn the intricacies of public speaking.

John Harman was Toastmaster for the Evening.  Five Speakers.  Danita Fox gave a speech from the Advanced Manual.  The chosen topic was 'Thankfulness.'  Joanne Fletcher gave her 5th speech.  Middle age fun vs. middle age crisis.  Live your life and enjoy it; limitations are self imposed.  Tom Delbridge talked about the Chesapeake Bay for his 7th speech.  The Chesapeake Bay is part of our lives.  The Bay is in trouble and needs our help.  There are clean up projects and other volunteer opportunities to make a difference.  Sandy Peterson continued the environmental theme with her 2nd speech.  Everyone has an environmental impact.  Only 20% of solid waste in the USA is recycled.  570 disposable diapers a minute are discarded, YUCK!!!  The US is running out of landfill sites.  Be sure to use the correct recycle bins (wrong bins = trash).  Everyone needs to do better!!  Zach Miller's speech entitled "Turn Signals" was his 3rd speech.  People need to be aware of the small but simple things that can affect someone else.  There was a tie for Best Speech between Danita Fox and Sandy Peterson.

Christy Gardner was Table Topics Master.  Thanksgiving was the topic in various forms.  Jessica Ledbetter, Lavorise Love, Wade Miner, and Zach Miller participated in the speeches.  Lavorise went home with the Best Table Topics ribbon.

Lois Boyle filled the General Evaluator position.  Adam Queen, Stan Dalziel, Nancy Hogg, Christy Gardner, and Scarlett Minto were the evaluators.  Adam Queen received the Best Evaluator ribbon.

Heads up!!  The December 17 meeting may start at 6:00 or 6:15.  We are discussing moving up the start time as it is our holiday meeting.  This issue will certainly be resolved by the December 3rd meeting.

Danita Fox placed 2nd in the District 66 Evaluation Contest, November 20th. in Richmond.  Congratulations Danita!!

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary

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