Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hello Toastmasters Family,
Happy St. Patrick's Day theme (one day late). Eighteen in attendance with three guests: Victor Lopez, Tom Day and Jacqueline (add last name).
Nancy Hogg was Toastmaster of the Evening. There were four speakers. Lamar Thomas gave his Icebreaker speech. Lamar focused on his relationship with his job as a member of the US Air Force. Great job, Lamar! Janet Krenn, a new member, is off to a fast start, already giving her speech #3. She talked about her speaking experiences. Wade Miner gave his speech #2 in a series of speeches he is working on. Wade's series theme is 'Change your Programming'. Rick Boyer, Speaker #4, gave his speech, a fact finding report, from the advanced manual 'speaking to inform'. Rick's topic was about bottled water. VERY informative. For example, 45% of bottled water comes from ordinary tap water. Rick and Janet shared a tie for Best Speaker.
Table Topics Master was Zach Miller. Table Topics speakers were Tom Delbridge, Matt Phillips, Stan Dalziel and Lamar Thomas. Another tie! The tie was between Matt and Stan. Competition is tight.
The General Evaluator was Tom Delbridge. Stacey Wallace evaluated speaker #1, John Harman evaluated speaker #2, Maritsa Alger evaluated speaker #3, and Lois Boyle evaluated speaker #4. Maritsa received the Best Evaluator ribbon.
Danita Fox, Club President, gave the closing remarks.
April 1 meeting - Grab Bag Night! All roles are drawn.
April 15 meeting - Career Night! Speakers are presenting on career related topics.
April 29 meeting (fifth Thursday) - Speech A Thon
May 15 & 16 - District 66 Conference at Founders Inn in Virginia Beach.
get info:
Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Speech Contest Night!
Table Topics and International Speech
Tim Tonkovic as Contest Master ran a great contest. There were five contestants in the Table Topics portion and three contestants in the International Speech portion. The winners will compete March 27, 2010 in the Area International Speech and Table Topics Contest. That contest will be held at the Peninsula Workforce and Development Center at 600 Butler Farm Road in Hampton. The scheduled time is 2 to 5 pm.
Chief Judge John Harman directed Judges Stacey Wallace and Lavorise Love for this club contest.
"It was a cold and rainy night. You had just settled down with a good book by the fire, when you heard a strange noise outside...." The preceding sentence was the set-up for the Table Topics. Each participant had minimum one minute to two minutes thirty seconds, maximum, to flesh out their take on that statement. Contestants drew for speaking order. Stan Dalziel, Frank Connelly, Nancy Hogg, Jessica Ledbetter and Tom Delbridge were the Table Topics contestants. Jessica placed first, Frank Connelly placed second and Tom Delbridge placed third.
International Speech contestants were Frank Connelly, Wade Miner and Stan Dalziel. Stan placed first, Frank placed second and Wade Miner placed third.
Jessica Ledbetter and Stan Dalziel will go on to compete at the Area Speech Contest on March 27th. Good Luck!!! Remember to come out and support Jessica and Frank on Saturday, March 27.
There were 22 in attendance with one guest.
Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers
Chief Judge John Harman directed Judges Stacey Wallace and Lavorise Love for this club contest.
"It was a cold and rainy night. You had just settled down with a good book by the fire, when you heard a strange noise outside...." The preceding sentence was the set-up for the Table Topics. Each participant had minimum one minute to two minutes thirty seconds, maximum, to flesh out their take on that statement. Contestants drew for speaking order. Stan Dalziel, Frank Connelly, Nancy Hogg, Jessica Ledbetter and Tom Delbridge were the Table Topics contestants. Jessica placed first, Frank Connelly placed second and Tom Delbridge placed third.
International Speech contestants were Frank Connelly, Wade Miner and Stan Dalziel. Stan placed first, Frank placed second and Wade Miner placed third.
Jessica Ledbetter and Stan Dalziel will go on to compete at the Area Speech Contest on March 27th. Good Luck!!! Remember to come out and support Jessica and Frank on Saturday, March 27.
There were 22 in attendance with one guest.
Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Greetings Fellow Toastmasters:
We had 18 in attendance at our last meeting, February 18, 2010. Our theme, “Valentines for the Valentine” brought out the sentimental side of the members who spoke on the theme. Our Toastmaster of the evening who is the “Best Darndest Sergeant At Arms” Tim Tonkovic won Best Table Topics when he told of how he keeps the romance in his marriage and how it started from the very beginning when he proposed after just eight months of courting his lovely wife.
Rick Boyer, the Area Governor, announced that out of 138 clubs in District 66, Oyster Point Speakers was the FIRST club in the district to become Distinguished!!!! And that is no surprise with our terrific Executive Committee and vibrant membership. Kudos to Oyster Point Speakers! We have just one more point to go to achieve President’s Distinguished!
We welcome our newest member, Janet Krenn, to Oyster Point Speakers who joined on her second visit and already fulfilled the role of Ballot Counter for the evening.
Toastmaster Tonkovic read an email from John Foden, who as been absent for a while due to work, but he hails us from British Columbia just to let us know he hasn’t forgotten. Thanks John, and we haven’t forgotten you either. We look forward to his return.
I believe we made history by having two of our more recent members, Magda and Michael Burgos, give their Icebreakers speeches on the same night.
We had five really substantive speeches. Stacey Wallace addressed the subject of cancer and how we’ve all had a connection to it, if not personally, then through someone we know and how we can give back through an organization called Lee’s Friends.
Maritsa talked about the importance of diversity; race and culture. Being a principal and educator, she talked about how we should embrace it and use it as an opportunity and see it as a moral obligation to move students to empowerment.
Lavorise won Best Speaker for her touching story about “paying it forward.” It was a telling story of how one woman was able to give back to the same person who gave her a hand up at her most desolate times. She moved some of us to tears. Superb job!
We had a tie for Best Evaluator between our President, Danita Fox, and bubbly Joanne Fletcher. Both gave great advice.
Our upcoming events are:
March 4 is Contest Night. We still have slots open so if you desire to help out, please contact Tim Tonkovic.
April 1st is Grab Bag Night. Come prepared to fulfill any role for that night.
April 30th is our Speech-A-Thon. If you need to give a speech, now is your chance. Please contact Lois Boyle and let her know if you’d like to give a speech.
Lois Boyle
Acting Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers
Acting Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hello Toastmasters Family,
'Success Check', theme for the night. "Good resolutions are like babies crying in church. They should be carried out immediately". Charles Monroe Sheldon Several of the speakers incorporated the theme into their speech.
A new position/role for the club has been established - "Humorist". Nancy Hogg was the inaugural Humorist.
Lavorise Love filled the Toastmaster of the Evening duties. Five speakers on the program. Phillip Pedersen gave his 'Icebreaker' speech. Phil's parents were immigrants; father from Norway and mother from Italy. His stint in the US Navy has played a major role in the direction of his life. As with most of us, Phil joined Toastmasters to become a better speaker. Great job, Phil! Christy Gardner's speech "Who's Rowing Your Boat" challenged the audience to consider where each is, on their success path. Christy also regaled us with a rendition of 'row, row, row your boat.' Wade Miner, speaker #3, spoke to changing internal guidance systems. We can change thru the use of affirmations. The affirmations need to be present tense, stated in the positive and in the present. What motivates people and the secrets to motivating them were the basis of Jessica Ledbetter's good leader equals a good team speech. Stan Dalziel's persuasive speaking, advanced manual, speech urged everyone to pay attention to their health stats to aid their ability to live a longer life. Christy Gardner garnered the Best Speaker ribbon.
Tim Tonkovic was Table Topics Master. Zach Miller, Matt Phillips and Michael Brugos were the Table Topics speakers. Michael Brugos won the Best Table Topics ribbon with his rendition of a first date.
Sandy Peterson was the General Evaluator. Tom Delbridge was Evaluator for Speaker #1. John Harman was Evaluator for Speaker #2. Lois Boyle was Evaluator for Speaker #3. Nancy Hogg was Evaluator for Speaker #4 and Matt Phillips was Evaluator for Speaker #5. Matt Phillips received the Best Evaluator ribbon.
Club President Danita Fox presented Stan Dalziel his official Competent Communicator Toastmasters Badge.
We had 22 in attendance that included two guests Latasha Randon and Janet Krenn.
Nancy Hogg
Oyster Point Speakers
Club Secretary
'Success Check', theme for the night. "Good resolutions are like babies crying in church. They should be carried out immediately". Charles Monroe Sheldon Several of the speakers incorporated the theme into their speech.
A new position/role for the club has been established - "Humorist". Nancy Hogg was the inaugural Humorist.
Lavorise Love filled the Toastmaster of the Evening duties. Five speakers on the program. Phillip Pedersen gave his 'Icebreaker' speech. Phil's parents were immigrants; father from Norway and mother from Italy. His stint in the US Navy has played a major role in the direction of his life. As with most of us, Phil joined Toastmasters to become a better speaker. Great job, Phil! Christy Gardner's speech "Who's Rowing Your Boat" challenged the audience to consider where each is, on their success path. Christy also regaled us with a rendition of 'row, row, row your boat.' Wade Miner, speaker #3, spoke to changing internal guidance systems. We can change thru the use of affirmations. The affirmations need to be present tense, stated in the positive and in the present. What motivates people and the secrets to motivating them were the basis of Jessica Ledbetter's good leader equals a good team speech. Stan Dalziel's persuasive speaking, advanced manual, speech urged everyone to pay attention to their health stats to aid their ability to live a longer life. Christy Gardner garnered the Best Speaker ribbon.
Tim Tonkovic was Table Topics Master. Zach Miller, Matt Phillips and Michael Brugos were the Table Topics speakers. Michael Brugos won the Best Table Topics ribbon with his rendition of a first date.
Sandy Peterson was the General Evaluator. Tom Delbridge was Evaluator for Speaker #1. John Harman was Evaluator for Speaker #2. Lois Boyle was Evaluator for Speaker #3. Nancy Hogg was Evaluator for Speaker #4 and Matt Phillips was Evaluator for Speaker #5. Matt Phillips received the Best Evaluator ribbon.
Club President Danita Fox presented Stan Dalziel his official Competent Communicator Toastmasters Badge.
We had 22 in attendance that included two guests Latasha Randon and Janet Krenn.
Nancy Hogg
Oyster Point Speakers
Club Secretary
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