Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters:
We had 18 in attendance at our last meeting, February 18, 2010.  Our theme, “Valentines for the Valentine” brought out the sentimental side of the members who spoke on the theme.  Our Toastmaster of the evening who is the “Best Darndest Sergeant At Arms” Tim Tonkovic won Best Table Topics when he told of how he keeps the romance in his marriage and how it started from the very beginning when he proposed after just eight months of courting his lovely wife. 
Rick Boyer, the Area Governor, announced that out of 138 clubs in District 66, Oyster Point Speakers was the FIRST club in the district to become Distinguished!!!!  And that is no surprise with our terrific Executive Committee and vibrant membership. Kudos to Oyster Point Speakers! We have just one more point to go to achieve President’s Distinguished!
We welcome our newest member, Janet Krenn, to Oyster Point Speakers who joined on her second visit and already fulfilled the role of Ballot Counter for the evening.
Toastmaster Tonkovic read an email from John Foden, who as been absent for a while due to work, but he hails us from British Columbia just to let us know he hasn’t forgotten.  Thanks John, and we haven’t forgotten you either.  We look forward to his return.
I believe we made history by having two of our more recent members, Magda and Michael Burgos, give their Icebreakers speeches on the same night.
We had five really substantive speeches. Stacey Wallace addressed the subject of cancer and how we’ve all had a connection to it, if not personally, then through someone we know and how we can give back through an organization called Lee’s Friends.
Maritsa talked about the importance of diversity; race and culture. Being a principal and educator, she talked about how we should embrace it and use it as an opportunity and see it as a moral obligation to move students to empowerment.
Lavorise won Best Speaker for her touching story about “paying it forward.” It was a telling story of how one woman was able to give back to the same person who gave her a hand up at her most desolate times. She moved some of us to tears.  Superb job!
We had a tie for Best Evaluator between our President, Danita Fox, and bubbly Joanne Fletcher. Both gave great advice.
Our upcoming events are:
March 4 is Contest Night.  We still have slots open so if you desire to help out, please contact Tim Tonkovic.
April 1st is Grab Bag Night. Come prepared to fulfill any role for that night.
April 30th is our Speech-A-Thon.  If you need to give a speech, now is your chance. Please contact Lois Boyle and let her know if you’d like to give a speech.

Lois Boyle
Acting Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

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