Hello Oyster Point Speakers and Guests!
Another Toastmasters Thursday at Angelo's Pancake and Steak House. What a storm it was! While the weather outside was furious, everyone inside was taking yet another step towards excellence in public communication. We had a guest! Ryan Shipley came to Toastmasters for the first time. Thank you for coming, Ryan. We hope you will visit us again.
We had 17 Toastmasters and 1 guest in attendance. Toastmaster of the Evening was Nancy Hogg. General Evaluator was Lavorise Love. Table Topics Master was Wade Miner.
We heard four prepared speeches. Following Toastmasters International speech manuals is a sure pathway to gaining competence in public speaking and receiving formal recognition for this achievement, as well. Thursday speakers were as follows:
Stacey Wallace (evaluated by Matt Phillips) presented her 6th speech, "How to Support Our Troops". Stacey talked about different ways in which we can show appreciation and support to the military men and women. Sometimes, a simple care package and a thank you letter is what brings a smile on a soldier's face. Stacey mentioned a few websites which support the troops:
Matt Phillips, (evaluated by Magda Brugos), presented his 4th speech, "In the Fast Lane. Cell Phones and Distracted Driving". Matt talked about the dangers associated with using cellphones while driving. The message was clear: do not text and drive. If you absolutely have to use your phone while driving, think about investing in a head set or simply pull over to the side of the road.
Christy Gardner, (evaluated by Maritsa Alger), presented her milestone speech, "Stand Up and Speak". Christy talked about overcoming her fear of speaking in public. Over the past 17 months she has transformed from someone who was fearful in front of an audience to a confident communicator and a community leader. Excellent job, Christy!
John Harman, (evaluated by Stan Dalziel), delivered his speech, "My Cars" from the Entertaining Speaking Manual. John talked about the fun cars he has had over the years.
Table Topics speakers were asked questions about their favorite product to sell, what challenges they face in selling and what exhilirates them the most in selling. Participants in Table Topics were Bonnie Parker, Linda Williams, June Montgomery and Rick Boyer. Table Topics Master's (Wade Miner) intent was to equip us to be a better sales force for Toastmasters International so that others can also experience the myriad of positives that come from being an active member of this organization.
Christy has now completed her Competent Communication manual (10 speeches behind her belt) and received her trophy - the CC Badge! Christy is now moving on to Advanced Communication course. Good luck!
P.S. Mark your calendars and get your funny on for September 2. John Harman will be leading Humorous Speech Contest. Sign up today!
See you there!
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary
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