Guests: Ian Shippen, Charlene Gilbert, Kelly Gibb, Barabara Basabilbasco, Derek Campbell, Marilyn Soleta, Ty Carter, Anu Bedi
Sargent-At-Arms John Harman called the meeting together and after the pledge introduced VPPR Curtis Lassiter to the lectern as he was proxy for absent President Christy Gardner. Curtis welcomed the many guests present (8) and members and then introduced Toastmaster of the Evening (TMOE) Janet Krenn to lectern and take control of meeting. Janet brought GE (general evaluator) Tim Tonkovic to the lectern where he then asked members of the evaluation team to stand and explain what roles they were fulfilling.
TMOE Janet Krenn had the honor of introducing four speakers for the evening; John Harman, Zach Fauver, Danita Fox and Wade Miner. John Harman's technical speech was a "dry run" delivery because he will give the presentation to about 100 peers next week. Zach Fauver, new member, introduced himself in the "ice breaker" speech and Danita Fox delivered a "dramatic talk" and Wade Miner concluded the speakers section of the meeting with a "hip pocket" speech about the "real secrect of life".
New Member Katherine Crawley used Black History Month as her inspiration for the table topics. As Table Topics Master, Katherine had five participants speak "off-the-cuff" about various topics ranging from "peanut butter, to liposuction vs brain surgery, to a documentary about platapus". Kudos to first timer guest Derek Campbell, who was the first volunteer to participate in the Table Topics portion of the meeting.
As General Evaluator, Tim Tonkovic and his evaluation team provided the necessary feedback for growth and improvement through speech evaluations, role reports and general assessment of meeting's affectiveness.
VPPR Curtis Lassiter brought meeting to a close by once again welcoming all the guests, calling for announcements and giving out ribbons. Announcements: Winter Leadership Institute Saturday Feb. 4th at ODU, 8:30am-1:00pm.
Ribbon Winners:
Best Table Topics -- Tim Tonkovic
Best Evaluator -- Frank Connelly
Best Speaker -- Danita Fox
Respectively submitted,
Danita Fox, club secretary
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