Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal."
Vincent Lombardi, NFL American Football Coach

Toastmasters Family and Friends,

This quote by Coach Lombardi was picked for our last, football-themed meeting. I love it. Personally, it gives me great reassurance and a lot of hope. I'm not sure if I have been born with the talents needed to achieve what I've set to achieve in my life, but I know I can work hard and hone the skills necessary to reach any goal I set for myself.

It was wonderful to see everyone at our last meeting. We had 18 members in attendance and a guest, David Gomez. It was great to see you again, David. Anxious to hear your Icebreaker speech soon!

John Harman as Toastmaster of the Evening
John Harman served as Toastmaster of the Evening.
Dr. June Montgomery was Table Topics Master.
Stacey Wallace was General Evaluator.

Dr. Adam Gold was the first speaker of the evening. He presented his third speech from Competent Communicator manual, titled "Kick Off New Habits". 
Dr. Adam Gold
Adam's speech was evaluated by Dr. June Montgomery. Adam gave us great advice on how to stick to positive habits which will carry us towards achieving goals. We need to remember that, first of all, any change begins with us, individually. Additionally, while setting goals, we need to be S.M.A.R.T.E.R:
S - Specific - goals have to accurate and specific.
M - Measurable - e.g., instead of saying " I am going to lose weight", be more exact :"I will lose 10 pounds by Christmas".
A - Achievable - a goal needs to be achievable and within reasonable reach.
R - Reasonable - a goal needs to be reasonable, not a "pie in the sky".
T - Time frames - set exact time frames for achieving a goal.
E - Evaluate - evaluate your progress.
R - Re-organize - reset your goals if you set them too high or too low.

Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez, MBA student at William and Mary, was second speaker. His evaluator was Grayson Williams. Juan gave a speech from Advanced Communicator manual. The purpose of his project was to present a fictitious award. Juan did a great job presenting a bowling award!

Danita Fox
Danita Fox, evaluated by Maritza Alger, was third speaker. Danita presented project # 5 from The Professional Speaker manual. Danita's speech was titled "Lessons from Geese...No, no. I mean, football!". Danita talked about lessons drawn from observing football coaches and dynamics of an effective team. Any team player needs to know these basics:
1. Know who you are as a team.
2. Know your role on a team and why what you do is valuable to your team.
3. Know who your opponents are.

Oyster Point Speakers club is also a team. Every member of our Toastmasters team has a purpose and an important role to play. Our bi-weekly meetings are our game night and as such, we need to be prepared to play our role to the best of our abilities. We, just like a sports team, have opponents as well. Our opponents in Toastmasters are fear and doubt, inconsistent attendance, and indifference. They prevent us from acting and becoming our best. In Danita's words: Enthusiasm inspires and breeds excitement. Excitement breeds effort which in turn produces achievement. Achievement breeds success!

Table Topics Participants: Magda, Stan, Cristina, Victor, Christie, and Grayson
Victor Lopez presented Word of Day, which was "scramble". Scrambling is a term used in football, and translated into lay terms, means "to buy time". The word came in handy during Table Topics when the participants were faced with challenging questions from "The Book of Questions" served by the Table Topics Master, Dr. June Montgomery. Table topics is a great opportunity to learn to "think on our feet" and give short, impromptu speeches.

It was a great meeting once again!
Ribbon Recipients of the Evening 
Danita Fox, Best Speaker
Dr. June Montgomery, Best Evaluator
Victor Lopez, Best Table Topics 


Dr. June and Club President Stan Dalziel
Danita and Stan
Victor and Stan

P.S. Danita Fox has accepted the position of Area Governor. Congratulations, Danita!
Good luck, Matt Phillips, at Area Humorous Speech Contest. You will do great! Thank you for stepping up to represent the Club!
Thank you,
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our Guests, David Gomez (C) and Anesha Carroll (R)
Hello Toastmasters and Guests, 

Thankfully, we were able to hold our meeting today despite the impending hurricane Earl. Earl was gracious enough to pass us by and spare us from potential torrential rains and power outage.

We had 15 members in attendance and 2 guests. David Gomez and Anesha Carroll were first time visitors to our Toastmasters club. It was a pleasure to meet both of you and we hope to see you again!
New Member induction took place. Victor Lopez is now officially sworn into the Club. 
Congratulations, Victor. We wish you all success!

Today was a little unsual as we held Contest Night. We had speakers participate in both Humorous Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest. John Harman was Contest Master. Chief Judge was Rick Boyer. Judges were Tim Tonkovic, Nancy Hogg, and  Juan Alvez. Evaulation Contest participants were Danita Fox and Matt Phillips. Humorous Speech contest were Stanley Dalziel and Matt Phillips.

Frank Connelly's Test Speech opened the contest night. Frank talked about an event that took place in the Grand Canyon 35 years ago. Frank recently revisited the Grand Canyon with his wife where he was reminded of the experience that helped save his life many years ago. Frank spoke of the unconditional Love that embraces everyone, despite the mistakes and failures they commit.

First contest speaker was Stanley Dalziel with his speech, "Real Life Is Easy". Stanley has been blessed with an ability to find humor in even the most sad of situations. He shared about his late grandmother's sense of humor and his experience of saying final goodbyes at her funeral. 

Second contest speaker was Matt Phillips with his speech, "Five Guiding Principles to Parenting". Matt talked about his experience of becoming a parent for the first time and gave advice to how to survive as a parent. Matt, your speech was hilarious!

We still had Table Topics which took place between the speeches.
Table Topics Master was Stacey Wallace. Table Topics Speakers were John Harman, Wade Miner, Magda Brugos, Juan Alvez, Nancy Hogg, and Victor Lopez. Speakers answered various questions about their previous contest experience and gave advice on how to best prepare for a contest. They also had to plan a perfect Labor Day and a Hurricane Party. They all did great. Table Topics is one of the best opportunities to pratice your "off the cuff" speaking skills so volunteer to speak whenever you can.


Best Humorous Speech

Stanley Dalziel, 1st Place
Matt Phillips, 2nd Place

Best Evaluator
Danita Fox, 1st Place
Matt Phillips, 2nd Place

Both Stanley and Danita are moving on to Area Contest to represent Oyster Point Speakers Club! Congratulations!

Best Table Topics
Nancy Hogg and Victor Lopez / TIE

It's Membership Renewal time. Deadline is September 30. 
$39 for 6 months or $78 for whole year. It comes down to $3.25 for one class/meeting! Where else can you get such a deal? Remember to bring a check to next meeting or mail it to Janet Krenn, Club Treasurer. If you have questions, please email:

Thank you,
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary