Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lori Hobson receives her Icebreaker Ribbon
"The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public."
- George Jessel (1898-1981, American actor, known in his lifetime as "Toastmaster General of the United States")

Hello Toastmasters!

          We had a great meeting as always. One more meeting left before this year 2010 is over and it's time for a fresh start again. We had 16 members in attendance and a second-time visit from Christina. It was nice to see her again! Nancy Hogg was Toastmaster of the Evening, Danita Fox was General Evaluator, Cristina Stoia was Table Topics Master.
          We had two speakers. Lori Hobson presented her Icebreaker speech. Lori's speech was evaluated by Frank Connelly. She started her presentation with a song "Special Woman" she played for us. Lori suggested we all have a song that energizes and motivates us. Her speech was titled "Why you should be a President of your own Fan Club". We should first and foremost believe in ourselves; be confident and humble at the same time. We can't compare ourselves to others because we have all been given special gifts and talents which makes us unique.
          Matt Phillips was the second speaker of the evening. He gave his 6th speech from the Competent Communication manual. Matt was evaluated by John Harman. Matt volunteered last minute to present this "hip pocket" speech since one of the scheduled speakers could not come to the meeting. Matt spoke about his love of football and shared his experience of attending a college football game at his alma mater, West Virginia University. 
         Cristina Stoia was Table Topics Master. Cristina brought some fresh ideas to our table topics. She shared a bagful of fortune cookies with the audience and later asked volunteers to comment on the fortune they received. Participants included Christy Gardner, Wade Miner, Rick Boyer, Victor Lopez, and Frank Connelly.
         Victor Lopez presented the Professional Tip of the Day. He gave us some advice on how to understand other people based on their different behavior styles. The four groups of people are "talkers", "doers","controllers", and "supporters". By knowing which category someone else falls into, we are able to match our style to theirs, thus greatly improving communication between us. 

Victor Lopez was Best in Table Topics
Frank Connelly was Best Evaluator
Matt Phillips was Best Speaker

Congratulations, Winners!

We are having a Yankee Gift Exchange Christmas Party on December 16. Come to celebrate with us. It will be lots of fun!

Thank you, 
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jessica Ledbetter is Toastmaster of the Year!
Hello Toastmasters Family and Friends, 

          Time certainly flies by! It was our last meeting before Thanksgiving and we have two more meetings before the year 2010 is over. It will be time again to start fresh and set new goals. At this meeting we had 15 members in attendance and 2 guests - Kristene Skalicky and Lanette Kelly. Christy Gardner was Toastmaster of the Evening. Stacey Wallace was General Evaluator. Stan Dalziel performed Call to Order and Pledge. The word of the day was "effusive", which means "unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; overflowing, profuse", e.g. "effusive praise".
          First speaker was John Harman, evaluated by Nancy Hogg. Over the years, John  has delivered over 100 speeches. This was his final speech towards achieving his (yet another) Advanced Communicator Bronze level. The title of his speech was "Toastmaster's Job is Easy!". In his presentation, John reminisced on the 15 years with Toastmasters and spoke about both fun and challenges he faced in his various roles in the organization.
          Second Speaker was Danita Fox, evaluated by Adam Gold. Danita delivered a sales training speech from the Professional Speaker manual. Danita has been a Toastmaster since September 2007. In her speech, she trained her sales force (the audience played this role very well!) on two sales techniques. These two techniques vary, dependent on the category. The categories were "colorology" and "generations". Danita informed us that the science of colorology can tell us about the person's character and preferences based on the colors they wear and favor. The category of "generations", i.e. how old a person is and which generation they grew up in, will reveal even more clues to how most effectively sell to them. For example: "Veterans" are practical and frugal because they grew up during the Great Depression. "Boomers" are focused on goals and dreams. "Generation X" emphasize personal image and want instant gratification. "Generation Y" are civic- and environment-oriented. Knowing these broad characteristics can help salespeople determine how to best fill the need of their customers and communicate with them most effectively.
          Third speaker was Jean Smith with her very first Icebreaker speech. Jean's speech was evaluated by Stan Dalziel. Jean faced many challenges that day (she almost didn't make it to the meeting) but decided to give her speech despite them. In her Icebreaker she spoke about her background and where she came from. She shared the memory of her mother who taught her to represent the family well and be proud of her heritage. Jean reminded the audience how important it is to believe in oneself. Jean has a book coming out in two weeks! We will let you know the details soon.
          Speeches were followed by Thanksgiving-theme Table Topics. Juan Martinez was Table Topics Master. Participants included Adam Gold, Rick Boyer, Frank Connelly, Christy Gardner, and Stacey Wallace. Even our two guests, Kristene and Lanette, volunteered to participate in this activity. Kudos for courage! Rick Boyer presented the Professional Tip of the Day segment. Rick spoke about what motivates people to do great work. Club President, Stan Dalziel, conducted New Member Induction. We are happy to announce that Jean Smith is now an official member of Oyster Point Speakers Club. Welcome!

The meeting was wrapped up with awards. 




Danita Fox received an award for Distinguished Club Leadership for 2009-2010!

Jessica Ledbetter was recognized as TOASTMASTER OF THE YEAR!


Thank you and see you soon!
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."  - Jerry Seinfeld

 Hello Toastmasters and Guests,

          As you read in the above quote, for most people the fear of public speaking is greater than the fear of death.  Shall I let you in on a secret? Even most Toastmasters fear public speaking and still get nervous before getting up to speak. What makes the difference is that those who participate in Toastmasters meetings are the ones facing and conquering that fear. If you're reading this blog and are thinking of coming to one of our meetings, don't hesitate. Come. 
          We had twenty in attendance at our last meeting, including six guests. It's always such a pleasure to host visitors. Lauren and Jon,  Jen and Jonathan, Christina, Michael - thank you all for coming. We hope you will visit us again.
Rick Boyer was Toastmaster of the Evening. Nancy Hogg was General Evaluator. Magda Brugos was Table Topics Master.
           We had two speeches. Danita Fox presented "The Moments of Truth" from Successful Club Series manual. Her speech was evaluated by Christy Gardner. Danita spoke about ways to gain and retain new members, and to improve members' experience. Even though her presentation focused on ways to improve a Toastmasters club, it could easily be applied to any other organization or corporation. 68% of people leave an organization because their needs are neglected. It's important to keep that in mind. Any club, organization or corporation has to remember that its members or employees are crucial to its overall success. "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."
          Magda Brugos presented speech # 5 from Competent Communication manual. Her speech was evaluated by Tim Tonkovic. Magda gave a brief introduction to personality types. The four main personality types are: Popular Sanguine, Perfect Melancholy, Powerful Choleric, and Peaceful Phlegmatic. They are driven by different things. Popular Sanguine's basic desire is to have fun. Powerful Choleric wants to have control. Perfect Melancholy strives to have perfection. Peaceful Phlegmatic wants to have peace. One of the secrets to improving relationships with others is knowing what makes other people tick and what drives them to behave in certain ways. When you're able to identify someone's personality, you will be able to better relate to them and adjust your message accordingly. If you learn the primary characteristics of personalities you will improve relationships and avoid  conflict with others.
Since both speakers exceeded their allotted speech time, the Best Speaker award was not presented.
          Table Topics participants were: Matt Philips, Juan Martinez, Tim Tonkovic, Lori Hobson and guest Lauren White. Remember, participation in table topics is the best "off the cuff" speaking practice. All the partcipants did exceedingly well with their topics.

Ribbon Winners:

Christy Gardner:  BEST EVALUATOR


Thank you, 
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our Guests
Hello Toastmasters Family!

          First of all, thank you to all guests who came to visit our Club. It was great to have you and we all look forward to seeing you again and helping you achieve your public speaking goals.
We had 13 members in attendance and 7 guests, including some who came for their second visit. Nancy Hogg was Toastmaster of the evening. John Harman was General Evaluator.
          Magda Brugos presented a brief report from Dr.John Maxwell's book, "25 Ways to Win with People".  Way # 2: Practice the 30 second rule. Within the first 30 seconds of conversation, say something encouraging to a person. "Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle'". People need a good word, a compliment, or encouragement. It takes little effort but lifts people up and energizes them.
          Christy Gardner was the first speaker of the evening. Her speech, "In the Spirit of Halloween", came from the Entertaining Speaker Manual. Tim Tonkovic was Christy's evaluator.   Christy spoke of her love of haunted houses. As a little girl, she loved them during the Halloween season. As a mother and a wife, she gets to experience a "haunted house" on a daily basis. Christy spoke of changes that came with marriage and children, and how her once-perfect house became a place of organized chaos. Things got lost or misplaced; furniture moved, piles of stuff appeared in random places. Her sparsely decorated town house was now filled with collections of comic books, video games and toys. Over time, Christy learned how to accept the fact that she can't have control over everything and she has now grown to love the noise and the mess that came with a husband and two little children. 
          Danita Fox was the second speaker. Danita was evaluated by Linda Williams. Danita's speech came from the Specialty Speech Manual and her objective was to convince the audience to buy a product. Danita began her presentation with a sales pitch in which she was sellling a revolutionary water bottle. She soon transitioned to her main sales presentation where she was promoting her fictional firm, Fox Consulting. We learned that Fox Consulting offers extensive training, developing and coaching program which will help any company reach its goals and increase employee productivity.
          Juan Martinez was Table Topics Master. Table Topics participants were asked a series of Halloween-themed questions. 
          Danita Fox, in her official role of Area Governor, reminded us that Toastmasters is of excellent value but only if we practice, participate and attend. It is the best program in which we can improve our public speaking and communication skills.

Ribbon Winners: 

Tim Tonkovic - Best Evaluator
Judy Anderson - Best Table Topics Speaker
Christy Gardner - Best Speaker

Congratulations, winners!

Next meeting is November 4
Christmas Party is on December 16. We will exchange gifts and fellowship. Please invite a friend.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hello Toastmasters and Guests!

The following update has been provided by our VP Membership, Christy Gardner, who kindly agreed to temporarily take on the duties of Secretary. Thanks, Christy!

"It was a great meeting with about 20 people present, including 3 guests - Rita Essick, Karen Essick, and Angela Fox. Although this was her first time at an Oyster Point Speakers Club Toastmasters meeting, when Toastmaster Adam Gold asked Ms. Rita Essick if she would be so kind as to provide a Word of the Day, she quickly used her Smart phone and came up with "fossick", a verb which means to hunt or seek out. Several speakers used the Word of the Day during the meeting.

We had three wonderful speeches. Victor Lopez gave his Icebreaker speech and we learned many different things about him, such as he has volunteered at a hospital and at a local radio station, he was a cop, he is an optimist, and he is an actor. Cristina Stoia gave her 2nd speech, which started off asking the audience whether they would rather go back in time and feast with the Romans or go into the future where our food might be served up in a pill. She then told us about the customs of Romans when they prepared for and enjoyed a feast. Our 3rd speech came from Mr. John Harman, DTM, who spoke about traveling with Mr. Jerry Keast, our District Governor, to various Toastmasters events. The audience voted John Harman the best speaker of the evening.

Lois Boyle was our Table Topics Master and she asked various questions of the Table Topics participants - Stan Dalziel, Linda Williams, Christy Gardner, and Sandy Peterson. Participants had to talk about topics such as raising money for a nudist colony, saving the woody woodpeckers, why I live in a swamp, and why I live in a treehouse. The audience voted for Linda Williams as the best Table Topics participant.
The three evaluators did a great job providing positive feedback to the speakers. Nancy Hogg evaluated Victor Lopez's speech; Matt Phillips evaluated Christina Stoia's speech, and Rick Boyer evaluated John Harman's speech. The audience voted Rick Boyer as the best evaluator of the evening.

Our Club President, Stan Dalziel, closed out the meeting by giving out the awards, inviting our guests to speak, and informing us of some changes to future meetings. These changes include combining the Grammarian and Ah Counter into one role, discontinuing the role of Humorist, increasing the time allotted for Table Topics, and creating a new role - "Professional Tip of the Day" which will be kicked off by Magda Brugos. "

See you next time!
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal."
Vincent Lombardi, NFL American Football Coach

Toastmasters Family and Friends,

This quote by Coach Lombardi was picked for our last, football-themed meeting. I love it. Personally, it gives me great reassurance and a lot of hope. I'm not sure if I have been born with the talents needed to achieve what I've set to achieve in my life, but I know I can work hard and hone the skills necessary to reach any goal I set for myself.

It was wonderful to see everyone at our last meeting. We had 18 members in attendance and a guest, David Gomez. It was great to see you again, David. Anxious to hear your Icebreaker speech soon!

John Harman as Toastmaster of the Evening
John Harman served as Toastmaster of the Evening.
Dr. June Montgomery was Table Topics Master.
Stacey Wallace was General Evaluator.

Dr. Adam Gold was the first speaker of the evening. He presented his third speech from Competent Communicator manual, titled "Kick Off New Habits". 
Dr. Adam Gold
Adam's speech was evaluated by Dr. June Montgomery. Adam gave us great advice on how to stick to positive habits which will carry us towards achieving goals. We need to remember that, first of all, any change begins with us, individually. Additionally, while setting goals, we need to be S.M.A.R.T.E.R:
S - Specific - goals have to accurate and specific.
M - Measurable - e.g., instead of saying " I am going to lose weight", be more exact :"I will lose 10 pounds by Christmas".
A - Achievable - a goal needs to be achievable and within reasonable reach.
R - Reasonable - a goal needs to be reasonable, not a "pie in the sky".
T - Time frames - set exact time frames for achieving a goal.
E - Evaluate - evaluate your progress.
R - Re-organize - reset your goals if you set them too high or too low.

Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez, MBA student at William and Mary, was second speaker. His evaluator was Grayson Williams. Juan gave a speech from Advanced Communicator manual. The purpose of his project was to present a fictitious award. Juan did a great job presenting a bowling award!

Danita Fox
Danita Fox, evaluated by Maritza Alger, was third speaker. Danita presented project # 5 from The Professional Speaker manual. Danita's speech was titled "Lessons from Geese...No, no. I mean, football!". Danita talked about lessons drawn from observing football coaches and dynamics of an effective team. Any team player needs to know these basics:
1. Know who you are as a team.
2. Know your role on a team and why what you do is valuable to your team.
3. Know who your opponents are.

Oyster Point Speakers club is also a team. Every member of our Toastmasters team has a purpose and an important role to play. Our bi-weekly meetings are our game night and as such, we need to be prepared to play our role to the best of our abilities. We, just like a sports team, have opponents as well. Our opponents in Toastmasters are fear and doubt, inconsistent attendance, and indifference. They prevent us from acting and becoming our best. In Danita's words: Enthusiasm inspires and breeds excitement. Excitement breeds effort which in turn produces achievement. Achievement breeds success!

Table Topics Participants: Magda, Stan, Cristina, Victor, Christie, and Grayson
Victor Lopez presented Word of Day, which was "scramble". Scrambling is a term used in football, and translated into lay terms, means "to buy time". The word came in handy during Table Topics when the participants were faced with challenging questions from "The Book of Questions" served by the Table Topics Master, Dr. June Montgomery. Table topics is a great opportunity to learn to "think on our feet" and give short, impromptu speeches.

It was a great meeting once again!
Ribbon Recipients of the Evening 
Danita Fox, Best Speaker
Dr. June Montgomery, Best Evaluator
Victor Lopez, Best Table Topics 


Dr. June and Club President Stan Dalziel
Danita and Stan
Victor and Stan

P.S. Danita Fox has accepted the position of Area Governor. Congratulations, Danita!
Good luck, Matt Phillips, at Area Humorous Speech Contest. You will do great! Thank you for stepping up to represent the Club!
Thank you,
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our Guests, David Gomez (C) and Anesha Carroll (R)
Hello Toastmasters and Guests, 

Thankfully, we were able to hold our meeting today despite the impending hurricane Earl. Earl was gracious enough to pass us by and spare us from potential torrential rains and power outage.

We had 15 members in attendance and 2 guests. David Gomez and Anesha Carroll were first time visitors to our Toastmasters club. It was a pleasure to meet both of you and we hope to see you again!
New Member induction took place. Victor Lopez is now officially sworn into the Club. 
Congratulations, Victor. We wish you all success!

Today was a little unsual as we held Contest Night. We had speakers participate in both Humorous Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest. John Harman was Contest Master. Chief Judge was Rick Boyer. Judges were Tim Tonkovic, Nancy Hogg, and  Juan Alvez. Evaulation Contest participants were Danita Fox and Matt Phillips. Humorous Speech contest were Stanley Dalziel and Matt Phillips.

Frank Connelly's Test Speech opened the contest night. Frank talked about an event that took place in the Grand Canyon 35 years ago. Frank recently revisited the Grand Canyon with his wife where he was reminded of the experience that helped save his life many years ago. Frank spoke of the unconditional Love that embraces everyone, despite the mistakes and failures they commit.

First contest speaker was Stanley Dalziel with his speech, "Real Life Is Easy". Stanley has been blessed with an ability to find humor in even the most sad of situations. He shared about his late grandmother's sense of humor and his experience of saying final goodbyes at her funeral. 

Second contest speaker was Matt Phillips with his speech, "Five Guiding Principles to Parenting". Matt talked about his experience of becoming a parent for the first time and gave advice to how to survive as a parent. Matt, your speech was hilarious!

We still had Table Topics which took place between the speeches.
Table Topics Master was Stacey Wallace. Table Topics Speakers were John Harman, Wade Miner, Magda Brugos, Juan Alvez, Nancy Hogg, and Victor Lopez. Speakers answered various questions about their previous contest experience and gave advice on how to best prepare for a contest. They also had to plan a perfect Labor Day and a Hurricane Party. They all did great. Table Topics is one of the best opportunities to pratice your "off the cuff" speaking skills so volunteer to speak whenever you can.


Best Humorous Speech

Stanley Dalziel, 1st Place
Matt Phillips, 2nd Place

Best Evaluator
Danita Fox, 1st Place
Matt Phillips, 2nd Place

Both Stanley and Danita are moving on to Area Contest to represent Oyster Point Speakers Club! Congratulations!

Best Table Topics
Nancy Hogg and Victor Lopez / TIE

It's Membership Renewal time. Deadline is September 30. 
$39 for 6 months or $78 for whole year. It comes down to $3.25 for one class/meeting! Where else can you get such a deal? Remember to bring a check to next meeting or mail it to Janet Krenn, Club Treasurer. If you have questions, please email:

Thank you,
Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Members: Adam Gold, June Montgomery, Cristina Stoia

Dear Toastmasters and Guests,

         What an honor it is to announce that Oyster Point Speakers Toastmasters Club  is a President's Distinguished Club for the year 2009-2010. We are one of the best in Virginia!
         The highlight of our meeting was induction of new members. Adam Gold, June Montgomery and Cristina Stoia  are now new Toastmasters. They have already brought so much positive to our Club.
          We had 21 in attendance, including Jean Smith and her daughter Jasmine. Toastmaster of the Evening was Lois Boyle. Tim Tonkovic served as General Evaluator. Wade Miner was Table Topics Master. 

We heard 4 speeches:
          Cristina Stoia, evaluated by Stacey Wallace,  gave an Icebreaker speech. Cristina has such a great story to tell. She was a university student in her native Romania when she applied and got accepted into a summer program at Yale University. She was the first Romanian to have ever done it. While at Yale, Cristina made many international friends. As she put it: "we all spoke with different accents, but we all learnt how to dream in English".  She also completed an MBA Degree at William and Mary despite the fact that it took her twice the time to read and write in English, as compared to her American classmates. Cristina encouraged us to fight for our dreams and not be afraid to fail. Failures will only make us grow in ways we never thought we could.

          John Harman, evaluated by Matt Phillips, gave us a Club Contest Review. John spoke about the upcoming Humorous Speech Contest on September 2.  Contest takes place only twice a year so this is your chance to dazzle your audience with humor! John reminded us that speeches have to contain all original material.  Remember: how effective you are in making your audience laugh will determine your chances for winning the contest. We still need volunteers to fill in roles and contest evaluators will receive leadership credit for their work. Please speak to the Contest Master, John Harman, or Stacey Wallace, VP ED, about volunteering.

         Rick Boyer, evaluated by Nancy Hogg, presented the final speech from Advanced Communication Manual, which fulfilled his requirement for achieveing the title of Advanced Communicator Silver. Congratulations, Rick! His speech, "From Deep Space to Personal Space", took abstract concepts of physics, astronomy and meteorology to convey an important yet clear message.  There are billions of galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy contains millions of stars. To bring it into prespective, the neighborhood we live in has only one star, the Sun. We are but specks! The universe we live in is so vast that it makes us seem utterly insignificant in its great scheme. However, Rick's speech challenged that concept. He showed us how our seemingly insignificant self can have a huge impact on the world.
Using the concept of the "Butterfly Effect", Rick showed us  that our lives are so intricately connected that every single action we take has worldwide implications. Our words and our actions matter. What we do on a daily basis affects everyone who comes in contact with us and who comes in contact with them. Even if it starts with one person, we can make a positive impact on the world. It is only up to us to do it.

          Stan Dalziel, evaluated by Danita Fox, presented his third speech from Persuasive Speaking Manual. Stan's speech touched on a subject most of us are familiar with: we can't find time to do all the things we would like to do. Stan, already very busy,  recently volunteered to help with Children Ministries at church.  He realized that he somehow managed to find the time to fulfil all his voluntary duties. He did that by giving up activities that were time suckers in his day. Stan's advice is to evaluate all activities in our day. Think about what adds positive value to your life? What drains and subtracts from your life? Make a list. Which negative activities could you replace with positive ones? Sometimes a simple act of switching off the TV will free several hours a day for you to start making a positive change in your life. 

         All the speeches were fantastic!
Tim Tonkovic, General Evaluator, provided us with this acronym that aptly described the speakers:
I for Inspirational Cristina
D for Developmental John
E for Extraterrestrial Rick
A for Amazing Stan

Very clever, Tim!

Wade Miner, Table Topics Master, chose a summer vacation theme for the speakers. Participants (Grayson Williams, Lori Hobson, Juan Alvez, and Adam Gold) were asked to highlight their best vacation memories, talk about vacation plans that never went through, and fantasize about perfect get-aways. Adam's tip: live out your day enjoying it to the fullest. Each day is supposed to be like vacation.


Grayson Williams was BEST in TABLE TOPICS

Stacey Wallace was BEST EVALUATOR


Cristina Stoia was BEST SPEAKER! 

Rick Boyer is new Advanced Communicator Silver. Congratulations, Rick! Thank you for all the hard work that led to your achievement.  


Magda Brugos
Club Secretary

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

          Hello Oyster Point Speakers and Guests!

         Another Toastmasters Thursday at Angelo's Pancake and Steak House. What a storm it was! While the weather outside was furious, everyone inside was taking yet another step towards excellence in public communication. We had a guest! Ryan Shipley came to Toastmasters for the first time. Thank you for coming, Ryan. We hope you will visit us again.

        We had 17 Toastmasters and 1 guest in attendance. Toastmaster of the Evening was Nancy Hogg. General Evaluator was Lavorise Love. Table Topics Master was Wade Miner.

          We heard four prepared speeches. Following Toastmasters International speech manuals is a sure pathway to gaining competence in public speaking and receiving formal recognition for this achievement, as well. Thursday speakers were as follows:

          Stacey Wallace (evaluated by Matt Phillips) presented her 6th speech, "How to Support Our Troops". Stacey talked about different ways in which we can show appreciation and support to the military men and women. Sometimes, a simple care package and a thank you letter is what brings a smile on a soldier's face. Stacey mentioned a few websites which support the troops:
        Matt Phillips, (evaluated by Magda Brugos), presented his 4th speech, "In the Fast Lane. Cell Phones and Distracted Driving". Matt talked about the dangers associated with using cellphones while driving. The message was clear:  do not text and drive. If you absolutely have to use your phone while driving, think about investing in a head set or simply pull over to the side of the road.

       Christy Gardner, (evaluated by Maritsa Alger), presented her milestone speech, "Stand Up and Speak". Christy talked about overcoming her fear of speaking in public. Over the past 17 months she has transformed from someone who was fearful in front of an audience to a confident communicator and a community leader. Excellent job, Christy!

        John Harman, (evaluated by Stan Dalziel), delivered his speech, "My Cars"  from the Entertaining Speaking Manual. John talked about the fun cars he has had over the years.

          Table Topics speakers were asked questions about their favorite product to sell, what challenges they face in selling and what exhilirates them the most in selling. Participants in Table Topics were Bonnie Parker, Linda Williams, June Montgomery and Rick Boyer. Table Topics Master's (Wade Miner) intent was to equip us to be a better sales force for Toastmasters International so that others can also experience the myriad of positives that come from being an active member of this organization.



Christy has now completed her Competent Communication manual (10 speeches behind her belt) and received her trophy - the CC Badge! Christy is now moving on to Advanced Communication course. Good luck!


P.S. Mark your calendars and get your funny on for September 2. John Harman will be leading Humorous Speech Contest. Sign up today!

See you there!

Magda Brugos
OPS Club Secretary

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's HOT HOT HOT! Thursday, July 15, 2010

          Hello Toastmasters Family!

          Even though the summer is in full swing and keeps many Toastmasters busy and away from the meetings, we are still going strong, with 16 in attendance!
We had a brand new visitor, Lori Hobson, and a repeat guest, Edward. We were also pleased to receive a special visit from Justin Hitt, Area 12 Governor.

          Christy Gardner was Presiding Officer of the Meeting, in lieu of Stanley Dalziel. Tim Tonkovic stood in for Matt Phillips as Sargent At Arms. Tim was also Toastmaster of the Evening. Wade Miner was General Evaluator. Wade reminded us how blessed we are to be part of such a distinguished club!

          We heard two speeches on July 15. Dr. Adam Gold presented his second speech from Competent Communication manual. John Harman presented an educational module.
          Adam's Speech, evaluated by Magda Brugos, was a positive toast raised to all Toastmasters. It encouraged us to do what we love, and to be passionate and devoted to it. Adam reminded us that mastering in any area of life takes hard work and dedication.
          John's presentation, evaluated by Justin Hitt, focused on a Toastmaster's promise. John reminded us what it means to be a Toastmaster:
          "As a member of Toastmasters International and my club, I promise:
  • To attend club meetings regularly
  • To prepare all of my speech and leadership projects to the best of my ability, basing them on projects in the Competent Communication, Advanced Communication or Competent Leadership manuals
  • To prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments
  • To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations
  • To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to learn and grow
  • To serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so
  • To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy
  • To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership offers
  • To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters educational and recognition programs
  • To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities "

          Christy Gardner, as Table Topics Master, chose the  improvisational story telling format for this exercise.The participants (visitor Lori Hobson, Rick Boyer, Tim Tonkovic and Bonnie Parker) had to continue a story started by Bonnie. It seems that the pig stealing has become an inside joke! (ask any present Toastmaster for details if you missed the pig story... )

          Word of the day was "Faux Pas", provided by Lois Boyle.  Faux pas is a blunder, or a social mistake. Thankfully, Toastmasters program trains us how not to commit communication faux pas!

And the Ribbon goes to:

Adam Gold for BEST SPEECH
Justin Hitt for BEST EVALUATOR
Tim Tonkovic for BEST TABLE TOPICS


Magda Brugos
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

Monday, July 5, 2010

The New Year is Here! Thursday, July 1, 2010

          Hello Toastmasters Family!
July 1, 2010 marked the beginning of a new Toastmasters year. Happy New Year!
Thank you, all outgoing officers who served the club so well for the past year.

We had such a great meeting! It was an evening we will remember for a long time.
Stanley Dalziel was inducted as our new Club President. Congratulations, Stanley! We have great confidence in you as our new club leader.
Christy Gardner served as Toastmaster of the Evening.  Jessica Ledbetter was General Evaluator.

19 were in attendence, including a "repeat" guest, Greg Eremeev. Thank you for coming again, Greg!

We listened to 4 speeches:
          First was Linda Williams, evaluated by Stan Dalziel. Linda's speech was on the subject on fibromyalgia. Linda gave an account of her first-hand experience of living with fibromyalgia. Linda was diagnosed with this condition 20 years ago.
          Second was Magda Brugos, evaluated by Bonnie Parker. Magda talked about her favorite summer memories and the importance of creating memories.
          Third speech was delivered by Lois Boyle, evaluated by Tim Tonkovic. Her speech, "Just for today. The choice is yours", not only encouraged us to stop and appreciate the beauty in our daily lives but also to get rid of hurry and inattention.
          Last, and certainly not least, was Dr. June Montgomery. June's Icebreaker speech, "Who am I?", melted any ice if there was any. She treated us to a beautiful live performance of  the song "My  Funny Valentine".  This Icebreaker was certainly unforgettable! June's speech was evaluated by Wade Miner.

          Rick Boyer was a Table Topic Master. Rick showed us a different twist on table topics. Participants (Stacey Wallace, Wade Miner, Lavorise Love and Adam Gold) were to show off their communication skills at a country court! The defendant (Wade)  was accused of stealing a pig from his neighbor (Lavorise). Thankfully, Wade had two high-profile witnesses on his side (Stacey and Adam) and the jury decided Wade was NOT guilty of stealing the pig.  They were all great and fun to listen to and watch. Great idea, Rick!

 Ribbon Winners of July 1 Meeting were:

June Montgomery for Best Speech

Adam Gold for Best Table Topics Speaker

Wade Miner for Best Evaluator


Magda Brugos
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello Toastmasters Family,

Officer Elections and Induction came between the scheduled speeches and table topics.  Officers for the upcoming year, July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, are:

President:                     Stan Dalziel
VP Education:              Stacey Wallace
VP Membership:          Christy Gardner
VP Public Relations:     Nancy Hogg
Secretary:                    Magda Brugos
Treasurer:                    Janet Krenn
Sargent At Arms:         Matt Phillips

Congratulations everyone!!  We will have a great year.

Attendance was 24.  Sierra Hargraves, Brittany Pokorny and Greg (from Russia) were our guests.  Linda Williams served as Toastmaster of the Evening.  Table Topics Master was Nancy Hogg.  General Evaluator was John Harman.

Christy Gardner, Speaker #1, talked about the USA as a Nation of Debtors.  $772 Billion in credit is owed to credit card companies.  Stop being part of that figure by not buying things you don't need and can't pay cash for right then.    Matt Phillips told us how to 'Beat the Heat of Summer'.  Schedule outdoor activities carefully.  Pace yourself and stay hydrated.  Speaker #3, Stacey Wallace, told us the secret to getting what you want out of life is a positive focus.  Control your thoughts and feelings.  The Law of Attraction works whether it is negative or positive.  Stay positive!  Stacey Wallace's positive speech won her the Best Speaker ribbon.

Table Topics Master, Nancy Hogg, asked District and Club level officers leadership role questions in this table topics version.  Danita Fox summarized her year as outgoing club president.  Lois Boyle explained what a 'Past President' does.  John Harman talked about his job, the District 66 Governor.  Rick Boyer compared and contrasted officer positions on the district and club level.  Danita Fox received the Best Table Topics ribbon.

Janet Krenn was evaluator for Speaker #1.  Tim Tonkovic evaluated Speaker #2.  Jessica Ledbetter evaluated Speaker #3.  Jessica Ledbetter received the Best Evaluator ribbon.

New Club President, Stan Dalziel, was not present at this meeting.  Stan will be inducted at the July 1, 2010 meeting.

June 26  Summer Leadership Institute  9am to 12 pm.

July 1  New Toastmaster Year begins

Sign up for roles in upcoming meetings:

Final newsletter as club secretary for this run.

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hello Toastmasters Family,

Twenty in attendance at this meeting. Christine Stoia and June Montgomery are now new members.  Three guests:  Michelle Righenzi, Naomi Lewis and returning guest Edward Florey.  Toastmaster of the Evening was Tim Tonkovic.  Table Topics Master was Stacey Wallace.  General Evaluator was Christy Gardner.

Three speakers on the program.  Speaker #1, Nancy Hogg, talked about reasons to keep a food diary.  Track food and calories in weight loss efforts, track dietary requirements for performance training and track food consumed to correlate for health related problems/issues are three good reasons to keep a food diary.  Magda Brugos, Speaker #2, discussed the role of phytonutrients of fruits and vegetables in the diet.  Speaker #3, Jessica Ledbetter, gave a module on meeting roles and responsibilities of a Toastmasters Club.  Learn by doing.  Magda Brugos won the Best Speaker ribbon.

Table Topics speakers were Rick Boyer, Grayson Williams, John Harman and Matt Phillips.  Matt Phillips won the Best Table Topics ribbon.

Evaluators were Linda Williams for Speaker #1, Lois Boyle for Speaker #2, and Lavorise Love for Speaker #3.  Lois Boyle won the Best Evaluator ribbon.

June 17  Officer Election & Induction
June 26  Summer Leadership Institute  in Glen Allen, VA.
July 1     New Toastmaster year begins

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello Toastmasters Family,

Jessica Ledbetter, VP Education, provided the following notes in my absence.  Thanks, Jessica.

Stan filled in as Sergeant at Arms and opened the meeting. Danita then began with new member inductions. We were able to induct one, Janet Krenn, of four new members. We had four guests: Dr. June Montgomery, Jean Smith returned for a second time, Edward Florey returned for a second time, and Christina Stoia.

Toastmaster of the Evening, Tim Tonkovic, introduced the people filling the various roles for the evening. Philip Pedersen started us off with a funny anecdote about his mother-in-law. Stacey Wallace gave us the word of the day: "Plucky" which means having courage or bravery. James Tatum filled in for Listen Up! Master.  Rick Boyer was our timer and photographer. Lois Boyle kept track of the votes. 

There were two speakers for the evening. Lamar Thomas gave his second speech an absorbing subject: Lady Anion panty liners which are for a multitude of uses. He described the product well and kept his composure. The next speaker filled in since we had some cancellations. Wade Miner presented the Service and Leadership module which is part of the Leadership Excellence Series. We were reminded that none of us is as strong as all of us, many hands make light work, and sticks in a bundle cannot be broken.

Table Topics Master Sandy Peterson presented various questions of our guest June, Stan, guest Jean, and Jessica. 

General Evaluator Philip Pedersen lead the evaluation team. Janet Krenn evaluated Lamar's speech and Magda Brugos evaluated Wade's speech.

Best Table Topics speaker was June. Best evaluator was Janet. Best speaker was Lamar.

We adjourned at 8:14 p.m.

June 17 is the officer election/induction.

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hello Toastmasters Family.

This meeting, there were 20 in attendance.  That count included 5 guests:  Michael Colson, Jean and Jazmin Smith, Justin Hitt and Ed Florey.  Toastmaster of the Evening was John Harman.  Table Topics master was Danita Fox.  General Evaluator was Nancy Hogg.

Four speakers rounded out the program.  Speaker #1, Christy Gardner, talked about "water, water everywhere"  and only 1% is available as drinking water.  Water treatment plants and nature's water cycle are how used/waste water gets back into the 'available as drinking' water status.  Christy also discussed contaminants in drinking water and the role of the EPA in this subject.  Speaker #2, Sandy Peterson, presented as her third manual speech the topic what happened to the dogs at the center of the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal.  Janet Krenn, Speaker #3, talked about talking.  Specifically, she said to prepare for a talk/speech you must organize, lead with (an) important detail and have an actionable opening to generate interest in/from your audience.  Finally, Speaker #4, Wade Miner, discussed how to get past the "security guard" to make big changes.  Make small changes over time to tackle the big effort/habit/problem, like a bricklayer lays single bricks to make a large brick wall.  Janet Krenn got the Best Speaker ribbon.

Table Topics participants were:  Magda Brugos, Stan Dalziel, Justin Hitt, and Linda Williams.  Linda Williams won the Best Table Topics ribbon.

Evaluators:  Tim Tonkovic for Speaker #1, Lavorise Love for Speaker #2, Lamar Thomas for Speaker #3, and Victor Lopez for Speaker #4.  Tim Tonkovic won the Best Evaluator ribbon.

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hello Fellow Toastmasters,

Fifth Thursdays give us, as a club, an opportunity to veer from the usual club meeting format.  This fifth Thursday provided the opportunity to hold a 'Speech-a-thon'.  Lois Boyle was Chair and Wade Miner was Co-Chair.  We had eight speakers and three evaluation teams.  Each speaker had five to seven minutes for their speech.  Evaluation teams were assigned separate duties.  Team #1 evaluated the speech introduction, Team #2 the body and Team #3 evaluated the speech conclusion.  The evaluation teams evaluated each speech.  Additionally, evaluations were given after sets of three - first three speeches, break, evaluations, second three speeches, break, evaluations, final two speeches, break, and final set of evaluations.  This proved to be a good flow.

Speaker #1, Christy Gardner talked about the just passed US Health Care Bill working its way into society.  Rick Boyer (#2) gave his speech on making change easier.  Rick provided a hand-out for "Kotter's 8-Step Process of Successful Change".  Zach Miller told us desire and action are the two things you need to get yourself out of a J-O-B (just over broke) and into your dream business.  Magda Brugos says no special thing is needed to give yourself a positive edge.  All you have to do is be consistent on a daily basis via the power of compounding.  A little action each day works for you just like compounding.  Adam Gold says eating like a caveman will get you feeling like a sabre tooth tiger.  Thinking about the modern diet should have you asking yourself "are you poisoning yourself and your family?"  30 to 60 minutes after you eat, "how do you feel?".  Adam says to pay attention to your feedback system.  Michael Brugos gave us an in-depth primer on the mood altering Bi-Polar Disorder.  Matthew Phillips presented the history of safety regulation in America.  The safety regulations typically were instituted after spectacular industrial accidents.  Finally, James Bryant, speaker #8 and a visiting Toastmaster, captured the audience with his performed Swahili folk tale, "The Wise Baboo".  The wise Baboo (grandfather) urges you to embrace the pride of lions within, your dream that lives within, and you can make it live.

There were 23 in attendance including four guests: Suda Natarajan, Justin Hill, James Bryant, and Adam Gold (second visit).

Members, sign up for future meeting roles:

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary
Oyster Point Speakers