Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our Guests
Hello Toastmasters Family!

          First of all, thank you to all guests who came to visit our Club. It was great to have you and we all look forward to seeing you again and helping you achieve your public speaking goals.
We had 13 members in attendance and 7 guests, including some who came for their second visit. Nancy Hogg was Toastmaster of the evening. John Harman was General Evaluator.
          Magda Brugos presented a brief report from Dr.John Maxwell's book, "25 Ways to Win with People".  Way # 2: Practice the 30 second rule. Within the first 30 seconds of conversation, say something encouraging to a person. "Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle'". People need a good word, a compliment, or encouragement. It takes little effort but lifts people up and energizes them.
          Christy Gardner was the first speaker of the evening. Her speech, "In the Spirit of Halloween", came from the Entertaining Speaker Manual. Tim Tonkovic was Christy's evaluator.   Christy spoke of her love of haunted houses. As a little girl, she loved them during the Halloween season. As a mother and a wife, she gets to experience a "haunted house" on a daily basis. Christy spoke of changes that came with marriage and children, and how her once-perfect house became a place of organized chaos. Things got lost or misplaced; furniture moved, piles of stuff appeared in random places. Her sparsely decorated town house was now filled with collections of comic books, video games and toys. Over time, Christy learned how to accept the fact that she can't have control over everything and she has now grown to love the noise and the mess that came with a husband and two little children. 
          Danita Fox was the second speaker. Danita was evaluated by Linda Williams. Danita's speech came from the Specialty Speech Manual and her objective was to convince the audience to buy a product. Danita began her presentation with a sales pitch in which she was sellling a revolutionary water bottle. She soon transitioned to her main sales presentation where she was promoting her fictional firm, Fox Consulting. We learned that Fox Consulting offers extensive training, developing and coaching program which will help any company reach its goals and increase employee productivity.
          Juan Martinez was Table Topics Master. Table Topics participants were asked a series of Halloween-themed questions. 
          Danita Fox, in her official role of Area Governor, reminded us that Toastmasters is of excellent value but only if we practice, participate and attend. It is the best program in which we can improve our public speaking and communication skills.

Ribbon Winners: 

Tim Tonkovic - Best Evaluator
Judy Anderson - Best Table Topics Speaker
Christy Gardner - Best Speaker

Congratulations, winners!

Next meeting is November 4
Christmas Party is on December 16. We will exchange gifts and fellowship. Please invite a friend.

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