Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 15, 2011

Members Present: Christy Gardner, Rick Boyer, Magda Brugos, Stan Dalziel, Danita Fox, John Harman, Sabrina Joy-Hogg, Lanette Kelly, Nita Langford, Victor Lopez, Wade Miner, Lauren White, June Montgomery, John Foden

Guests: Lester Yearbook

Meeting was called to order by SAA John Harman, and President Christy Gardner welcomed guest Lester Yearbook to the club.  Magda Brugos took control of the lectern as Toastmaster of the Evening.  She kept the flow of the meeting going through two speeches and six table topics speakers.
President Christy Gardner delivered an informative speech about club meeting involvement, personal goals, club goals and how those three points are interdependant. Lanette Kelly delivered her ice breaker speech where she introduced herself to the club.
After the speeches we were challenged by Table Topics Master June Montgomery to speak 1-2 minutes. Table topics participants: Sabrina Joy-Hogg, Lauren White, Wade Miner, John Foden, Christy Gardner, Nita Langford and guest Lester Yearbook.
General Evaulator Wade Miner introduced his "evaluation team" to complete the meeting by offering feedback for the speakers, timer's report, grammarian and listen-up master.  General evaulation for the meeting was "good, but we can do better". 
President Christy Gardner wrapped the meeting up with tips for improvement both for individuals and the group as we continue our growth as public speakers and communicators.

Ribbon winners:
Table Topics-Wade Miner
Evaluator-Rick Boyer
Speaker- Lanette Kelly

Graciously submitted,
Danita Fox, club secretary

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday Sept 1, 2011

Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contest Night!

Present: Rick Boyer, Magda Burgos, Frank Connelly, Stan Dalziel, Allen Foretich, Danita Fox, Christy Gardner, John Harmon, Nancy Hogg, Sabrina Joy-Hogg, Janet Krenn, Nita Langford, Curtis Lassister, Jean Smith, Lauren White, June Montgomery, Lois Boyle, Brett McGee, Jonthan Register

Guests: Jasmine Cooper

Contest Chair Frank Connelly was the emcee for the contest, Rick Boyer was Chief Judge. Once contest rules were noted and explained, Rick Boyer called for the “contest to begin!”

Competitors for Evaluation Contest: Curtis Lassiter, Janet Krenn, Lauren White and Allen Foretich.  John Harmon was the target speaker for the competitors and he spoke about "transitions of life".  All evaluators did a wonderful job giving positive feedback and offering suggestions that will enhance John's speech. 

Competitors for Humorous Speech Contest: Jean Smith, Dr. June Montgomery, Stan Dalziel and Christy Gardner.
After the Evaluation Contest we were entertained by the four contestants delivering Humorous Speeches.  Christy made us laugh about hurricane Irene, and Stan delivered a double wammy of both laughter and reflection with his speech about bucket lists.  Jean took us down memory lane with her as she shared some funny family stories and Dr. June's speech made us laugh about the power of mind. 

Congratulations to all club members who competed in contests, and a hearty "thank you" to the other club members who worked behind the scenes before the meeting as well as those at the meeting fulfilling valuable roles as timers, ballot counters, and judging.

Winners for each will move on to Area Contest on Saturday September 10th, 1-3p at ODU Workforce Development Center.
Winners, advancing to Area Contest Sept 10th:

Evaluator: Janet Krenn
Humorous Speech: Dr. June Montgomery

Area Contest Sat Sept. 10th, ODU Workforce Development Ctr
Lets all be there to cheer on our winners, Janet and June!

Submitted by Danita Fox, Club Secretary
Thursday August 18, 2011

Present: Christy Gardner, Curtis Lassister, John Harmon, Wade Miner, Rick Boyer, Allen Foretich, Nancy Hogg, Bonnie Parker, Janet Krenn, Magda Brugos, Victor Lopez, Tim Tonkovic, June Montgomery, Lois Boyle, Nita Langford, Jean Smith, Danita Fox

Guests: Gary Brown, Janice McGhee, Felicia Ruffins, Delesia Ruffins, Jasmine Cooper, Krishna Arkal

Meeting was brought to order by John Harmon, Sargeant at Arms and Toastmaster of the Curtis Lassister then introduced speakers and evaluators for the evening. Four speakers shared from their hearts and minds topics and themes that left us wiser and happier. Magda Brugos spoke about “conversations”, followed by Rick Boyer who shared with us ways to save money, then Jean Smith shared a health tip with us speaking about “laughter being the best medicine”, and finally Janet Krenn wrapped up the speakers section by encouraging us to how to overcome obstacles.

President Christy Gardner brought the meeting to a close with a few announcements one of which was the club’s contest for the next scheduled meeting Sept. 1st.


Best Evaluator: Dr. June Montgomery

Best Speaker: Rick Boyer