Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello Toastmasters Family,
This newsletter starts a new home for the Oyster Point Speakers Club Newsletter.  We may have a few wrinkles to iron out, so bare with us.  We have two meetings' notes to compose/publish and we will then be back on track.
Having just come off an election Tuesday (Nov. 3rd), the theme for the evening was 'Elections.'

Nancy Hogg was Toastmaster.  There were five speakers.

Scarlett Minto gave her 'Icebreaker" speech - title: "Show and Tell".  Among other things, she collects cat whiskers.  Additionally, Scarlett won the Best Speech ribbon for this meeting!

Adam Queen gave his 6th speech, 'Ten Minutes with a Stranger.'  Live life to the fullest, but not recklessly.

Christy Gardner's experience with Halloween as a child and as a mother formed the premise of her 4th speech.  It was also Christy's 34th birthday.  Happy Birthday, Christy!

Because it is not funded properly, Tom Delbridge compared the social security program to a ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff for his 6th speech.

Rick Boyer gave an Advanced Manual speech - Speaking to Inform, project #3, the demonstration talk.  Rick is definitely "Detective Gadget".  Rick demonstrated many of his electronics, old and replacement/new.  Gadgets have gotten smaller and smaller, yet take larger and larger amounts of our time. Yes, they do!

Table Topics Master was Tim Tonkovic.  John Harman, Zach Miller and Wade Miner participated with the speeches.  Wade went home with the Best Table Topics ribbon.

Lavorise Love was the General Evaluator.  Stan Dalziel, Jessica Ledbetter, Lois Boyle, John Harman, and Wade Miner were the evaluators for the evening.  Jessica Ledbetter garnered the Best Evaluator ribbon.

There were 19 in attendance with two as guests.  Lamar Thomas and Danny Miller (Zach's dad) were the guests.

Nancy Hogg
Club Secretary

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