Friday, April 13, 2012

5 April 2012

Members present: Rick Boyer, Magda Brugos, Stan Dalziel, Danita Fox, Christy Gardner, John Harman, Nancy Hogg, Janet Krenn, Wade Miner, Lauren White, Lester Yearwood, Tim Herrity, Zach Fauver, Charlene Gilbert, Barbara Basabilbasco

Guests: Corey Carter, Wayne Bailey

Club Sargent-at-Arms John Harman emceed the meeting as Toastmaster.  Introducing three members delivering speeches, as well as General Evaluator and Table Topics Master, John kept the meeting on pace.  Speakers Christy Gardner, Wade Miner and Lester Yearwood, shared various stories and information, that enlightened and inspired the audience.  Christy's speech, from advanced manual, taught us how to deliver bad news. Wade challenged us to develop goals and then to accomplish them. Lester spoke about himself in his "ice breaker" speech.

Janet Krenn, Table Topics Master, invoking audience participation and elicting some laughter, challenge six people to speak 1-2 minutes "off the cuff"; Magda Brugos, Danita Fox, Stan Dalziel, Barbara Basabilbasco, Zach Fauver and Tim Herrity.  Topics ranged from; "underwear shortage in 2013" to "Sparky the dog ate too much homework", to "news flash...junk food actually healthy!".

General Evaluator Lauren White, lead the evaluation team, providing feedback for growth and improvement.  Speech evaluators: Nancy Hogg, Stan Dalziel and Magda Brugos, did share points that speakers did well as well as offer suggestions that would improve delivery of speeches.  Other members of the evaluation team, shared feedback of time and grammar, and Lauren completed the assessment by reviewing the entire meeting.

President Christy Gardner brought meeting to a close with announcements and reminders and ribbon winners.  Reminder: District Conference April 20-21st, can register online. 

Ribbon Winners
Best Table Topics: Stan Dalziel
Best EvaluatorMagda Brugos
Best SpeakerLester Yearwood

Submitted, Danita Fox
Club Secretary

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