Sunday, December 9, 2012

Put on your own shoes!

Phillip Sweat SAA called our December 6, 2012 meeting to order. After the pledge, Charlene Salter Gilbert the Toastmaster of the evening welcomed members and guests. Charlene touched on December 6th being Saint Nicholas’s Day and the significance of this date. We learned from Charlene that December 6th was also considered “Put on your own shoes day” which Charlene introduced as the theme of the evening, since we all have to be in and stand in our shoes when speaking to a room full of people, Charlene felt it was a great theme for this meeting, great idea Charlene!
Afterwards, the floor was turned over to Christy Gardner, VP of Education and General Evaluator for the evening. Christy introduced the evaluation team and had each member fulfilling that role explain what he or she will be doing during the meeting. Upon completion of the role explanations, Christy then introduced the speakers for the evening.

Zach Fauver was the first speaker, presenting his 4th project from the Competent Communicators manual “How to Say it”. Following Zach was Arnelia Hancock and Stephen Franco both presenting their 1st project from the Competent Communicator manual the always exciting “Ice Breaker” speech.

Pulling triple duty as the Table Topics Master, General Evaluator and Ballot counter for the evening (great job Christy) Christy introduced the Table Topic of the evening, Holiday theme and started it off with the 'Elf on the Shelf" question.

General Evaluator Christy Gardner led the evaluation team to give speech evaluations and reports. The meeting was brought to a close after brief announcements and ribbon awards.

Ribbon Winners:
Best Table Topics: Barbara Basabilbaso
Best Evaluator:Its a tie...Phillip Sweat and Rick Boyer
Best Speaker: Stephen Franco

Important Announcements: 
• Gift for Jade: If anyone still wants to contribute to the gift for Jade, please let Janet know by next week. She'll be purchasing the gift card on Monday Dec. 18.
• Holiday party: Remember to bring your $10 white elephant present, wrapped and ready to exchange on December 20.
• Early next year, we'll be hosting our club level International Speech and Table Topics Competitions. Start preparing early! See Christy for more details.
• If you'd like to present at the 2013 International Conference next summer, you have to apply on the Toastmasters website by January 14. The website to apply is
Next scheduled meeting; December 20, 2012.

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